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^Changelog above^ Whoops! I screwed up some things, here's version 1.2.1 to fix on the issues.
Drroooping 1.4.2 now here. Capstee basically made this entire update himself.
^Changelog Above^ Game's updated to 1.2, here's to the "Endless Rewrites" update! Been a hot while since last update huh?
​Whoops! Found some issues, here's this really small patch called 1.4.3 to fix it.
Oops! Found some issues, so rolling out a new version it is! Here's version 1.4.1
...Well this is a bruh moment. 1.3.1's nothing really big, just a quick patch of fixes.
If anyone needs a thumbnail for like a MCN video related to completing the new hardest possible night? I gotchu covered :>
Nyeh... 1.4.4 time.
Welp... this is probably all, folks! 1.4.5 Time.
Aaand here's to version 1.3, the "Namesake" update! I'll let Capstee handle the changelog for this.