Five Nights at Kyle´s Remake(Reopened, working again!)
2 months ago

Before I re-open the download, im doing a video of a demo of the game! :'3

(Korgii and Henry are fixed up)



Next up

What da hell 😭😭😭

gotta be fire?

i just im fixing kameron tutorial of how do the golden freddy (in this case is korgii) is being recreated on my style

New game im working in:

Transfur: The Survival (Roblox)

Inspired by theses two roblox games: Transfur : Holdout (Deleted) and These Who Remains

Go insane we're built different with this 🗣️🗣️🗣️🤯🤯🤯

i forgot tell what android and IOS is not compartible to this game! i must pay 21.750 clp (chilean money) for android and 18.780 for IOS! D:

Me when Mattie(Mochi) talked me with a "<3"

whats is that?(sneakpeak :3)

Theres the example