After being defeated at least three times, Evil Javier has returned as his soul, a shadow of his former self. In his soul form, Evil Javier is far weaker, only being able to control one cartoon at a time. Meanwhile, a new Cartoon Buddies-related location opens up called Cartoon Buddies JR's, with great overhauls on the characters to make them more magical. The nightguard explores the restaurant during the night, guided by The Ghost in order to stop Evil Javier from ruining the restaurant.
This AWWJ AU is somewhat based off of JR's (the Cyangle taking the role of Mangle, the Ghost taking the role of Paulbear, Evil Javier only being able to control one cartoon at a time). This was intended to be an actual JR's AU, but I eventually dropped that since it didn't really resemble JR's that much other than the last three characters.
Okay, well that's all.
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