This post was gonna happen a couple hours earlier, but my body wanted to take a nap :/
Small Update:
Remember how I mentioned that the spawning was a little off after the first time. It was making bots join together in the same spot, yeah it's fixed now:
Prototype 3:
As mentioned in previous posts, Prototype 3 is gonna focus on getting the fighting game, into well, a fighting game. It'll focus on more variety moveset, such as diving, rolling actually working, shooting, meleeing, inventory, ETC. I'm also gonna use those SuperFighters demake assets I made a couple days ago because why not, plus it'll help me code in animations better than just one color. This is probably gonna be one of the longer prototypes of the list (This and Prototype 4), but it'll definitely give me a lot of more progress too.
Not much else to day really, gonna start coding it, gonna have to re-do states from scratch. But until the next post, adieu.