We reached out to vocalist, David Benites, who is the amazing voice you hear in the Chicken Assassin: Reloaded trailer! We don’t know about you, but David helped create one of our favorite trailers to date.

Q: Did you bring a twist to any ideas presented by the composers, that made it into the final song?
David Benites: I’ve always gravitated to songs with full and unhinged sounding tone in terms of vocals. Naturally, Slipknot has been a huge influence on me. I channeled some of that here to match the aggressive playing on the instrumental track, and all my variation made it into the final version! I’m real happy with the final product here.
Q: How many takes did it take to get it to the final cut with your singing?
DB: I recorded this myself in my at home studio setup I use for pre production vocals for my bands and session work. I used a Telefunken M81 to record with, which I use for my shows too. I spent some time tone shaping, and then was happy after about 2 or 3 takes.
Q: Are you in any bands, and if so, where can we check them out?
DB: I sing for a fun rock influenced metal band called Chuggernaut, and we’re putting out a new record on August 24th, and will be touring later this summer. I’m also the new vocalist for VERY heavy metal band, Pathogenic!
We absolutely loved David’s take on this song and hope you do too! Have more questions you want to ask? Ideas on what our next blog post should be? Let us know on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram @AkuparaGames ! Or join our Discord!