Reviews, dsa15 from bundle 3 its short sweet, and someone in my stream simped im lookin at you @SmallDev2756 i would give it a 9.5/10 now
gdaf from bundle 4 it is a great game, it has battles, routes, small fights, and im not gonna spoil it, but a big fight at the end i'd recommend, 9.5/10
also from bundle 4 we have dspr this game is made by the creator who made dsa15 but this game isn't as great, it's kinda grey, bland you can barely see more than the screen infront of you, and all you do is clean a couple rooms with a broom, and you look at this person i will not go into detail who makes ur game crash, if you reopen it then it'll turn into you walking through fields till you get to a guy who has a gun fight with ya. i stopped there because the controls didn't work. not something i'd recommend but if you're curious then there ya go. rating 6/10
Dayshift at Denny's DSAD is also in bundle 4 it is a very short game, shorter than any others i've played but it's funny, You basically fight a jester and burn the place down
we have dateshift in bundle 3 by @NiceAsHell who im still trying to get to accept my fren request its basically you're a funnily known movie character that can date either freddy, or foxy, each has their own story and events you can mess up 7.5/10
now finally, THE SEQUEL HATESHIFT you play as an assasin and are trying to kill the main character from dateshift, because this unknown character, wants them dead you can interrogate, find clues and all that, its a small detective game. it's unique and once again, made by @NiceAsHell 9/10
That concludes the first of many reviews, i will hope to see you fazbender creators again very soon!