1 day ago

Bendy and the Ink Machine explained by me(I'm in love with this game)

Bendy and the Ink Machine is an Indie Horror game from 2017-2018, and the franchise continued to grow and grow with newer games and one being in the works right now. What is Bendy? Bendy is(as previously mentioned) an Indie Horror game first made in 2017 February 10 and went on to become a big game franchise with many games and one in the works currently. What is Bendy and the Ink Machine? Bendy and the Ink Machine first started in 2017 in Alpha only intended to have one chapter, that being the game in it's Alpha stage. Due to the love the alpha got, MikeMood and TheMeatly decided to make Chapter 2: The Old Song with a small group of other developers. Chapter 2 introduced 3 new characters, Sammy Lawrence, Searchers(the first combat enemy of the game), and Buddy Boris the Wolf. Along with the Chapter 2 update, Bendy(original called Bird Poop with a smile as a joke among the development team in alpha stages) got an updated model. Bendy now had arms and legs!(woohoo!) and chases the player (Henry Stein[A.K.A the real creator of Bendy, Alice, and Boris.]) through a hallway that requires the player to take 2 rights and end up in a room as Bendy bangs on the door before walking away in defeat. When walking into the next room a soup can rolls across the floor and Buddy Boris walks from behind the wall. Back to Sammy, Sammy instantly became a fan favorite character and would definitely return in later chapters(he fucking dies at the end of the chapter[BUT HE DOESN'T ACTUALLY DIE ITS JUST AN INK SPLAT DECAL STRETCHED ACROSS THE FLOOR TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE HE DIED]) FUN FACT; the developers of Bendy and the Ink Machine only had a few weeks to be developed so it was rushed(which is why Sammy looks like he has stumps instead of actual feet). Soon after the release of Chapter 2: The Old Song, the developers released the third chapter! Rise and Fall, which is the first chapter where you can see Inky(Bendy) walk instead of chasing you, and he also has a new running animation and a new agro animation. Chapter 3 also added a new way to survive Bendy! This being the Little Miracle Station that the player can hide in to avoid being detected from enemies, oh and there's a gang of fucking cripples or something idk. But Chapter 3 has the player doing tasks for a new FEMALE!?!!?!!?!/1/1/!? character, Alice Angel. And Alice Angel is a BITCH, and a lot of others agree so don't kill me. The player also has to fight Normal Polk, a dude that has a projector for a head or something, idrk and idrc. And also I'm getting lazy and I don't really want to write about chapter 3 because it's kind of a long chapter, oh and chapter 3 you can get a fucking Tommy Gun by doing certain stuff and uhh yeah.. Chapter 4 is kinda shitty and Chapter 5 has you kill Bendy and stuff(NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) oh well, oh and also Joey Drew(the mother fucker that brought the characters to life(fuck you Joey) makes you go to the old workshop(Joey Drew Studios) so basically the entire game is a loop full of lore and others stuff. OH AND ALSO YOU CAN FIND THEMEATLY IN EVERY CHAPTER BEHIND A BORIS POSTER(you get 6 achievements[1 for every chapter you find him in and the 6th for finding TheMeatly in every chapter]).



Next up

my friend got my girlfriend made at me, and I've been so disappointed at my friend that I've been looking like this for a while now

I remember when I was much more active on here, sad.

Anyways Heavy TF2

almost there...

Gm_bigcity thing I'm working on(ignore Inky I just put him there cuz yeah)

should I be concerned about this? He randomly appeared, I didn't spawn him. I didn't notice him until the 10 second mark. I wanted to record a video of me testing the lethal company enemies, but this happened instead



what the hell???