1 year ago






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Rebranded for my company, after that i am now created an new and improve logo and name, now it will called Omen Entertainment. Now i'll will have more potential ideas in future! Please tell me what did you think.

December 2021 updated, i got evolved with knowledge and logo is now renamed as "Omen Hypothetical Entertainment", thinks are getting impressing with more upcoming contents what am i planning with project ideas in the future.

Fighting-Zone is the fighting game subsidiary would be developing of fighting games when I am working on this year, there are ten fighter projects I planning up for good times and I choosing themes for my fighting games.

Omens is now a special name for my hypothetical company, "Omens of Prophecy", this time, more upcoming games and remodeled for my games (that is include with Elemental Fighter).

- More infos are coming up

- And new announcement in new 20s

See you soon!

I like to watch this developer profile that I made.

It is developer profile that I made which allowing the creator who made projects, here's mine.

It tells me about my occupation, education and zodiac, also have likes and dislikes.

Regardless for base games, now we have sixty game bases for KnowWonder Legacy, and it's official.

This time, we have three game difficulties (each 20 per game) which you will compete the challenges in several levels of each game base.

See you in 2024!

Revamped version of my multi-media company is now call "Omens, Inc". I been planning a new edition for my own projects (Games, Animations, Films, Comics and Novels).

Special ideas comes from my mind and dream, now i am working on special creatives.



Behold, KnowWonder Legacy!

Now in-development and looking forward to make the bigger in the future. Yes I'm working on the new game on GameJolt, go and check this out!


A visual novel game story, Omens is my story -Several Chapters confirmed

-Featuring inhabitants around the dimensions in the Omens of Prophecy Universe

-Long hours for the story

-Discover a new era of this universe

-And more to be announce

coming soon....

I upgrade for my company logo!

On background have purifications around left and some corruptions is coming from right, gaining level.

On O letter, i made an karma level, alongwith two sacred ruby-type power (left is for Paragon and right is for Renegade).