Hi everyone,
It took a while to get here , but we are back!
And we are proud to bring to you the beta version of the game.
Highscore & Wave System
The Highscore System is ready , with each kill you get points.
You can see your highscore between your health & energy bar.
The Wave System consist in 30 seconds for 1 wave , youcan kill every enemy on the map and get to the next wave faster.
And remember Higher Wave = More points per kill.
New User Interface
We changed the UI , now you can see your Highschore , Health & Energy and of course the Shards & Skill Bar

Skill System
The Skill System is a new feature that can help you to reach higher waves.
With each kill you get shards , with which you can buy skill or upgrade the ones that you already own. Each skill has 4 tiers and are totally different. If you wanna know more about them you can use the in-game Skill Info.

Platforms that Rise & Lower
In Alpha platforms could only rise at the beginning of round. Starting with Wave 3 platform can go up & down at each wave.

If you ever feel lost in-game we have added a mini-map to help you to find the way in this maze of platforms.

Holes in the Map
We added random holes in the map , you can jump over them or just fall and die!

Random Spawners
Now you will have different spawn points for enemies , so that your experience will always be different.
Improved Graphics
We improved the overall graphics. For the full experience select Fantastic at the beginning of the game
Working for Release on
Sound Effects
A lot of changes based on the Feedback.
Thank you for reading this. We will be back with more updates about the game soon.
Have a great day,
the EvilStar Studios