Hello all, and I hope you all had a great *Memorials Day*** Weekend!**
~ Introduction ~
Today, the Solarfly Studios team would like to release the final beta stage of Time 4 You, Beta Version 3. We have decided to conclude Time 4 You, as we took suggestions and inserted them in the game. Below is a compiled changelog of what we have added!
~ Changelog ~
~ Upgrades!
~ Power-ups!
~ Updated credits!
~ Updated main menu graphics!
~ Bug fixes!
~ Removed Herobrine! (oh, wait, that’s a different game…)
~ So, what’s next? ~
Sunday is currently our estimated release day for the final build of Time 4 You. We will take any last feedback for Beta Version 3 (see below) and we will then finish off the game the best we can for everyone.
The final version will be released on Kongregate, which will feature a fully-working leaderboard and stats for the ‘competitive’ ones ;) Along with Kongregate, a version will also be available on our website (http://solarflystudios.github.io/)
As of for Solarfly Studios, we have several ideas of what we plan to do moving forward. We will keep you all updated via social media, which includes Google+ and Twitter.
Google+: +Solarfly Studios (team profile)
Twitter: @InfiniteDropM
, @Skysettio, @kalakuh_ (individual twitters)
~ Feedback ~
Above is a link in which you could help us finish the journey of Time 4 You, and take a small ‘feedback survey’ for the team to know our weak points and what could be changed for the final release.
Thank you all, for being a great audience for the development of the game. Solarfly Studios has great things in-store for all, stay tuned! ;)