Take a look at Balthazar’s Dream levels:
We’ve set the release date of our game to 19th of May.
We don’t want to rush it and the additional month will greatly improve the quality of the game through extensive testing.
All testers will be included in the credits along with a one line message (great way to propose to a REALLY NERDY platformer loving person).
Things we added to the game since the forest update:
A space level with gravity based mechanics
Asteroids, space ducks, space dog huts, Laika and UFOs
Frisbee side scrolling shooter level
Kites, fireworks, balloons and birds
New boss fight - THE MAILMAN
Loop puzzle level, where you’ll have to revisit the site of the car crash and change the course of history
Final boss fight - THE EVIL PRESENCE - three phases, ally assist and more
New sounds and music for every level
Ability to choose your dog breed (compatible with the SpaceDog Suit)
Save/load capability
Controller support + vibrations
New camera system
New cutscene system
Things that will probably be cut from the game:
Hospital ‘real world’ level. Space and frisbee levels are twice the length we originally planned and we think we might not make hospital level in time (remember there are only two of us + a dog). While we still might be able to squeeze it in, we’re taking a cautious approach and we’ve decided to tell you how things look.
Have a great week!
Sawa, Peter and Balthazar
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