Concept#3 of character reveal
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RaxP - Purplevania
He comes in a sound of General MIDI Drums
Varlia - Purplevania
She comes in a sound of Whistle
a comic I made (Theophillus turns into Theomobile)
Stickjaww - Purplevania
He comes in a sound of Jawharp/Jew's-harp
Wavery - Purplevania
He comes in a sound of Tiny Robot/Beepbox
Willy M. Afti - Purplevania
he comes in a sound of Full Brass Staccato
David but purple - Purplevania
he comes in a sound of David himself for the sampler. (in bandlab)
Finnee - Purplevania
He comes in a sound of Bassoon
Purp(.io) - Purplevania
He comes in a sound of Cuica
Drobby - Purplevania
He comes in a sound of snare(drum)