4 months ago


I've been waiting a few days to say this so I could be sure I wanted to do this but... i've made up my mind.

One conversation in a server managed to point out where I go wrong at all times, and it's this; I have "chronic DustTrust addiction." That would tend to explain a ton of my games...

So, I'm gonna make a change for the better, not just for me but for my fans, and it's this.

I'm going to make a huge cutback on DUSTTRUST games as a whole, and I intend for these to be the remaining solo games:

  • DUSTTRUST: Recreated

  • DUSTTRUST: Deluxe

Certain games not listed will have their DUSTTRUST-slop removed while preserving the game itself. But that's a rare thing, only happening with like 10% of the unlisted games LOL. The rest will be terminated.

I'm sure this is a big change for those who are used to my "chronic DustTrust addiction," but trust me--this is for the better.

It'll take a few days for me to enact this change completely, but I'm asking you all not to test my patience while I make this huge change because there's a chance I might go back on my word.

I'm already in a sour mood as I'm writing this and I've hesitated on 90% of this stuff before reminding myself this is for the better.

TL;DR, For the next few days, don't try to piss me off.

Thanks for reading! Have a nice day if I don't post again today!



Next up

i dont usually post about people following my games but this is HUGE like oh my god??? hi team unizone how are you all doing???? :D i'm glad you guys like my game i didn't expect it to get this popular oh my!!!

im so excited omg

who the fuck kratos reacted me


games going great i promise

noelle joined



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