Friday with at Fedi 2 JR's

2 years ago

Big news for Friday with at Fedi 2 JR's!

Hey , been a while? We've been working very hard over the last few month to make this game the best it can be.

This might be angering to some , but over the last few weeks we've been working more on re-making older parts of the game that didn't meet our current standards. Half the work we've been doing has had to be thrown out due to being lack lustre.

I know that isnt great news. However it means great things. To anyone who has played the first game , you would know it was completely rushed. Terrible visuals, unfair gameplay and so many bugs and unintended features that ruined the game. We do not want that to happen again. We want this game to be the best it can be , and oh boy have we got great plans for this.

The first game was a joke. It was conceived as a joke , and its execution was laughable. It was not a proper fangame as it was a crappy demake of the first FNaF game that had little to no thought or care put into it. This is what we're working to avoid. FwaF 2 JR's is a proper Five Nights at Freddy's fangame. It has new characters , mechanics and so much more.

The game is about 60% complete. The basics are done ( and now being re-done and polished ) and the characters are coming along nicely. We're working with our whole team to make sure this game is air tight and little to no bugs slip through the cracks.

I wish I could give a solid release date. However we do not want to rush it. Setting a deadline is not great for this stage of development as things only get harder from here up. The game will be out before the end of 2023. Thats a fact. And hopefully itll come out within the first quarter of the year.

We're working so hard to bring you a great fangame , or at least one better then the first game :)

- The Immoral Artist and the whole Blue Chip Studios team



Next up

" Welcome back to Fedi Fazballs fun and other fun stuff ... we can't wait to show you our state of the art characters ! "

Something is on its way.

A few setbacks for Fwaf 2 ( 5.3.23 )

Maskie Reveal Teaser!

The Bunny has seen you.


ITS FINALLY DONE !!! After many months and litres of blood sweat and tears , its finally finished ! Friday with at Fedi is officially finished with the release of the Version 2.1 update. Alot is in store for you, So welcome back to Fedi's (Dont press EZ )

We're still working very hard on FWaF version 2.1 ( A.K.A a VERY big update ) but we just thought that we'd say that this will be the last major update to this game. But its not the last FWaF project. See you next Friday , Night guard. - Blue Chip Studios


A short tease as the first game has reached 500 views. ( Although its a bucket of turds and really underbaked ) Things get alot better in FWAF 2 , see you then night-guard ;)