Hey everyone!
So it’s been a little while since I’ve posted anything BLANK-related on this page (that seems to be an unfortunate common theme these past updates). This is because I’ve been busy working on my Master’s Degree and making sure all my effort goes into completing the units within it (I’ve already completed one so far!). I’ve also developed a deep fondness for Destiny: Rise of Iron, so I’ve been spending most of my free time on that than I have been on BLANK.
But that doesn’t mean to say I haven’t been working on the game, it’s just that I’ve entered a development state where I won’t be discussing anything on what I’ve been working on. I’ve shown you a very small snippet of BLANK: The Spirits Within, but I don’t want to spoil anything else for you all beyond that.
However, it’s now almost a week away until Christmas Day, so I should at least give some of you guys & gals a nice little picture to celebrate this momentous occasion!
Yes everyone, I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. This season is a time to be together with those we love and call family (and remember, family is not always blood-relative). I know I’ll be spending my Christmas holidays with the people I love and will also probably be gorging on lots of Turkey and Goose.
But if you already guessed from the title of this blog page, wishing you all a Merry Christmas is not all I wanted to write here. I think what’s more important is to address a topic that I’m actually surprised I haven’t really thought about until a few weeks ago.
That topic is…
My thanks…
Confused? That’s fine, I wasn’t trying to go for anything flashy here. I wanted this paragraph to be a very honest and personal one. You see, these past months following BLANK’s release have been some of the most enjoyable, enlightening and flattering in my life. Following the long and rigorous BETA testing and the continuous adaptations of Demo Builds, BLANK’s certainly had a very dramatic evolution. What started off as almost an intended OFF-clone ended up becoming its own story, about a young lady trying to save her odd world from the ancient evil, Corruption.
Throughout that time, you all have expressed your joy with the game’s story, fascination with the world’s setting, admired the simplicity of the art style and butchered the ever-loving crud out of the game-play (I’m thankful for this, so don’t be disheartened. :D).
So now it’s been almost a year since the full-version of BLANK was released on RPGMaker.net and there have been many significant additions that have come from both me, the developer and you, the fans. Heck, I’m still surprised some of you are still viewing and downloading the game to this day, despite any recent updates. XD
But no, I’m seriously happy and grateful to everyone’s who played BLANK and participated in the experience in their own way, either through admiration or criticism. It’s been an absolute blast to have worked on this game and I can assure you, it’s not the end of Veta’s journey just yet. There are still many dark secrets set within the land of Transech and soon enough, we may just find out everything we’ve ever known about it was a lie.
Anyway, that’s all I wanted to say. Have a very Merry Christmas everyone and have a Happy New Year!
See you all in 2017!