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Guys I turned limbo into a marketable plushie.
(imagine if I made this real one day that would be so cool)
Ok fuck it you guys get to see the undarkened image
merry fuckin Christmas !!
Speedran making this video just to say idc if it ain’t October, happy Halloween,
“And, when my face is covered, as ’tis now, Guide thou the sword. . . Caesar, thou art revenged, Even with the sword that killed thee.”
Long overdue major gluttony redesign.
Artblock is killing me this meme is all I can muster.
Felt he needed a redesign
Canto II will have a slightly suggestive scene because uhhh lust ring n shit
my sincerest apologies but it must be done
I’ll add a warning for when it begins yea
(image slightly related)
Oops I dropped my notes
hopefully nobody sees them