Ive been working on this for around a year now. A love letter to the original 8bit NES classic Blaster Master. Anyone that may have played this game way back in the day 1988 or maybe just recently, and loved it, this project is as close to the original as I could make it adding new features and game play mechanics that enhances the experience. Those familiar with this game all ready know you ride in a tank called Sophia that locates upgrades that advances it’s performance. You can hop out of the tank and roam around on foot finding doors that take to interior rooms that changes the view to top down view game play. This is where the area boss waits. Defeating a boss gives you a upgrade that helps you advance to new areas of the game. Some of the differences between this game and the original classic are for one there is a save/load feature. New upgrades for Sophia such as a freeze cannon that creates blocks of ice on water to form bridges. Jason in the interior areas can find new guns he can upgrade. He can carry sub items that can be used in the interior areas as well, hang grenades that are powerful but you can only carry three at a time. A heart item that refills your life when needed.
Anyone that remembers this game or just loves the old NES games, may find this one fun, or so thats my goal. As always I welcome comments, messages, and opinions!
Download Game here: