2 days ago

Blocklocke part 7

btw we still need someone for drapion

anyway after skyla's gym we finally evolved ed so he's pretty decent now i think


btw before some nerd tells me that rufflet doesn't evolve at level 40, there is a setting in universal randomizer to make all pokemon reach their final form at this level (you wouldn't want until level fucking 60 for zweilous to evolve into hydreigon)

skyla offers a ride to lentimas city, where we catch green-waddledee the lanturn


there is also like a haunted mansion on this route, so we catch our first legendary, TrueAnonymous000 the zapdos

we make our way through a cave, with the help of bianca, and end up at undella town.

to my knowledge, we have a rival battle coming up

meaning that we will once again face off against candic's aviating male genital reptile (palkia)

anon makes it to the team, replacing soul


we enter battle, and he leads with ampharoas, we lead with anon, but switch to kool(claydol)

we end up also switching to axo, snorlax, for some reason that i cannot remember, and get a belly drum off, maxing our attack, meaning that we would be a match for the penis monster when he comes out. however, i forgot that this space bending wienerasorous can learn aura sphere, so he almost one shots our guy, but he tanks it.

other than palkia, candic only had a swablu remaning, so for a fight i thought would fuck us over, this went pretty tame.

after beating candic, we progress to the next route.

we capture a swampert, who we have not named.



so yeah if anyone wants drapion or swampert, they are available.

we also find the cobalion(static encounter) here, so we try to catch it, and find out that it is actually a


ugly fucking stupid monkey

we name him after

yeah_man, who at the time has an exotic butters from fnaf profile pic, and ngl i thought that was his username

he specifically asked for his name to be racism, so i named him racist butter


i took off axo, in favor of racism, since i kinda want a fire type on the team, and again, want a little more of a challenge.

we made it to lacanusa town, where bianca and prof juniper yap about the lore of kyurem or smth

but im more interested in finding another pokemon, in route 12

we make it there, and we find uxie, another legendary pokemon

we named him after "rift-studio"


while on route 12, tragedy struck

we fought a random lesbian couple or smth

they had a deoxys and virbava with pursuit

pursuit, is a dark type move, which can hit a pokemon before you even switch it out.

i just so happened to lead with kool and anon.

after realizing it had that move, i wanted to switch, knowing i would take a hit

however, i made a minor miscalculation, and didn't realized i died to a hit

rip Koolcirby, you were a real one


minne and ed claimed vengeance, but i was like damn

i didn't expect that.

we make it to the next area, however

we now enter a battle against an old asshole who wont move until we fight him

his first pokemon was an easy kill, however, when he sent in his jolteon, i got careless

he set up a bunch of agilities, as well as a using all 4 of his moves

this means, he can now use last resort, an extremly dangerous move

i think i might have to make a sacrifice.


like in this situation, you are quite fucked unless you sacrifice the green waddle dee, to heal someone who can take a hit/outspeed


yeah sorry noriko but yep, you're banned

i use ancient power on zapdos, however,


this motherfucker.

lives on 1 hp

zapdos can't take another hit

i decide to heal stall, until jolteon uses thunder wave

he thunderwaved, paralyzing zapdos (which, ngl i didn't think would work)

and he almost kills us the next turn, we live but full paralysis, we couldn't attack

we had to stall some more, and fortunately, we got lucky

the dumbass ai used thunderwave, despite already being paralyzed, and we kill this prickly motherfucker

after this, and a couple more battles, i decided, i need to go back to rebuild what i lost

i replaced the corpses of Kool and green waddle dee


welcome back soul and TCR

we also level up our team to at least level 40.

we make it to route 11, where we catch the virizion, who randomized to a macargo

nobody took it so, hes still up for grabs if anyone wants him

(please pick swampert or drapion isntead please🙏 )

and then we finally make it, to opelucid city

home of gym leader drayden

after several mandatory gym trainer fights,


we made it

we entered battle with drayden, and he starts off with clamperl, no match for a fucking zapdos of course.

he then sends in maril

also dies pretty much instantly

and for his ace...


ngl i expected better from you drake




Next up

indian miku

bbw2 blocklocke part 6

tthe new lullaby gf desing is cool i t hink

who wants to be this stupid ugly monkey


swampert and drapion are available too

who wants to be drake ion

rember die =block

forgot the blocklocke existed for a moment

ALSO SHIT SHIT this is good

who wants to be him

death= block

lets goo

who wants zapdos


anyone watn a be an ugly slug


continuing the blocklocke

Who wants to be fish


continuing blocklocke

who want dis

(death = block)