4 years ago
So this is a teaser for me and @D4dgaming s game, Five Nights at Fep’s. This does have a bit of lore but not much. Anyway, it’s not the best just because I don’t really do digital art. But I did try my best and this is how it turned out
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Five Nights at Fep's
3 Years of The Rabbit
Happy Birthday Five Nights at Fep's!
Hiiii I drew fanart of Star because I voiced her in a video from last year, I only recently got around to seeing the stuff for this series but it's really cool!! :D
I Drew Charmander for my mom, since she asked for me to draw it.
little test
My mom wanted a drawing for her to put up on her office, and she requested ScorBunny.
Something That Is, And Isn't There....