Five Nights at Fep’s (CANCELED FOR 1963)

4 years ago


So this is a teaser for me and @D4dgaming s game, Five Nights at Fep’s. This does have a bit of lore but not much. Anyway, it’s not the best just because I don’t really do digital art. But I did try my best and this is how it turned out



Next up

Five Nights at Fep's Official Soundtrack- Around n' Around!

I drew Ochaco Uraraka from My Hero Academia!

Candy from FNAC

(Sorry that it’s crappy and sloppy I haven’t drawn and colored like this in months )

Hiiii I drew fanart of Star because I voiced her in a video from last year, I only recently got around to seeing the stuff for this series but it's really cool!! :D

Sorry there's no big fep updates lately. here's a withered fep model i made for practice.

tell me if i should remodel the fep's characters and try another shot at their designs!

little test

Happy Birthday Five Nights at Fep's!

Something That Is, And Isn't There....

Five Nights at Fep's Official Soundtrack- Off for a spin!