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Turkey Coma
We are just 2 backers shy of 150! Once we hit that goal we'll post a preview of some never before seen content. Even a $1 back will count! Help us reach our goal <3…
Hi friends! This is the last 3 days of the Wastenauts Kickstarter, and it is frankly a longshot. We desperately need your help, because if we do not fund, development will stop immediately!
Please help us make this game <3…
A team of divers have just returned skyside with some Scav dead drops of note. They require your urgent attention - and I really hope they don't mean what I think they mean.…
Feeling Sick
Groa is injured
Now THIS is a treat - Marina has put together an art retrospective for Wastenauts. See how the style has evolved from initial concepts to in-game today!…
SO MANY REWARDS, SO LITTLE TIME. No seriously, we have a ton of exclusive rewards on the Kickstarter that won't be available after, and there are only 11 DAYS LEFT!…
Climbing Animation