Super Ultimate Custom Night

6 years ago

Bonnie the Bunny's Mechanic:

Poor Bonnie has been forced to share a cramped stage with another animatronic, Foxy, and he's pretty upset about it. These two will take turns looking out from the curtain, but whereas Foxy will hide himself when viewed on camera, Bonnie will do the opposite, and become more agitated. If Bonnie is looking out from the curtain when you view Pirate Cove, he will take the opportunity to flash his blinding eyes and scramble the cameras, all of them, for a significant amount of time, before leaving Pirate Cove and goes to end your run. The only way is to counter him is to close the right door when you hear when he's in the hallway. The only way to tell who is actively looking out from Pirate Cove is to observe a tiny figurine on your desk. This figurine will change from Foxy to Bonnie depending on who is active in Pirate's Cove. Not paying attention to this detail and thereby looking (or not looking) at Foxy's Cove at the wrong time can cost you your run.

Why I Want It To Work:

As many people know, Bonnie doesn't kill the player. So, i wanted to add a way to make him a regular threat in the game like he was in FNaF 1 & FNaF VR: Help Wanted, as his mechanic is similar to FNaF 1.



Next up

Toy Bonnie's Mechanic

Foxy the Pirate Fox's Mechanic

Toy Chica's Mechanic

Golden Freddy's Mechanic

BB & JJ's Mechanic

Endo 01's Mechanic


Marionette's AI

The Mangle's Mechanic

Toy Freddy's Mechanic