Boring Man - Online Tactical Stickman Combat

5 years ago

Boring Man v2.0.0 beta12 is now available: Zombrains, New Weapons & more!

New Game Mode: Zombrains

Board up your windows! Break out the hand sanitizer! No it's not the coronavirus, Zombrains has returned from the grave! For the uninitiated, Zombrains is a zombie-based game mode that blends co-op with PvP.


Players must survive against the undead a certain amount of time to win, if you die you turn into a zombie and must kill your former teammates to revive! Here's an entire video preview I made on it:

Zombrains is heavily untested, so expect some crashes and bugs and softlocks and whatever else my shitty programming comes up with. Good luck!!

New Map: The Shooting Range

The shooting range is here! The shooting range can be found in the "Practice" menu from the main menu, The Shooting Range is a testing area for whatever you can think of. It features a killhouse-style time trial which can be activated by a lever on the desk in the spawn room.


I've added a few new features/items to the map itself to increase routing potential for players looking to make fast times with the time trial. Dunno if it'll help..

When you pull the lever, the shooting range will reset everything on the map, right down to reseting the position of the moving platform. This is thanks to one of the new console commands 'worldreset'.


The stopwatch for the Range has also been improved, your final time now includes the 1/100ths of a second, and it uses the clock on your device's OS for improved precision. No, changing your computer time won't help you cheat. Don't make me stuff you into a locker.

And for you map making freaks, you can now make your OWN shooting range! My shooting range was actually made entirely in the map editor, obviously along with the help of some new console commands and new logic gate crap, which are newly available to you in this update. The only thing 'hardcoded' for my shooting range is tracking your best time (which is stored in your cloud save) and disabling some elements like the scoreboard and the console.


I think it would be cool to include new shooting range maps in the game that are made by the community. I will provide instructions on how to make your own range in the map editor guide at some point, but you can get a headstart by loading the range's map file in the map editor and taking a look too.

New Map: Boring Man Fields 2

Fields 2 has a new unique look compared to other "Fields-like" maps. I posted a teaser a few months ago where it looked significantly different (green), but I got sort of sick of that look and changed it. So here it is now.


Boring Man Fields is very large and features different types of habitats and biomes, which is why there are 2 maps. The majority of Boring Man Fields looks like Fields 1, but in Fields 2's case it's in a more war-torn part of the region.


Encroaching into The Man's territory, the USC has had battles with The Man's most powerful disciples, Manlings, and other dangerous forces in this part of the Field. Ionizing radiation has damaged the vegetation, which is a sign of heavily weaponized Magic use.


Fields 2's structural design has had some changes to the middle-right structure to make it more interesting. I'm risking moving the power up slightly closer to The Man's side, as it feels like it's less difficult for USC to get to it as they are closer to the convenient teleporter that warps to the power up's position.

New Weapon: Acid Gun (Previously known as Acid Spray)

No you're not on acid, it's actually the Acid Gun! It's a short range weapon that sprays a deadly, burning liquid. Acid can slide along the floor and catch grounded enemies off guard, or you can spray off a cliff or into a hole and hope it melts the top of some guy's skull!


The Acid Gun also has a brand new alt-fire, which is pumping the handle. You can pump your Acid Gun to increase it's projectile speed (and consequentially range), but similar to a water gun, it will lose pressure as you shoot it and will need to be pumped again.

The Acid Gun's stats have been adjusted to use less projectiles, but maintain the same DPS. I have increased the damage for each projectile and the fire rate, but decreased the amount of projectiles created. This is because the old version's Acid Gun would be the cause low FPS sometimes due to the large rate of projectiles it would generate, so this is more of an attempt to maintain game performance and not to really balance the weapon.

New Weapon: Bolt Action

The Sniper Rifle has some competition, cuz the Bolt Action is here to stay! The Bolt Action is similar to the Sniper Rifle, although it's slower to fire and slower to reload. It has more base damage however, making bodyshots more viable.


Similar to the other snipers, the Bolt Action also has a sniper laser which is good or bad depending on your opinion on sniper lasers right now. I'm also quite proud of the reload animation!

New Weapon: Heal Rifle

You love it, you hate it, it's the Heal Rifle! The Heal Rifle is a healing gun that has 2 fire modes. One is for automatic short range, and the other is for longer, slower shots.


The Heal Rifle (and heal grenades), by Somewhere Land law, must follow the Hippocratic oath (or the Somewhere Land version of it) and must heal indiscriminately. This means you can heal enemies with it, and they can heal you! This was never a bug if you didn't know, as this is B-Man's unique take on handling healing.

Compared to the old version's Heal Rifle, it has remained the same outside of cooler looking projectiles. It may be less formidable with the new poison rework, more so when more poison-based weapons are added.

Additionally, the bots know how to use it now, and in most team-based game modes, at least 1 bot will try to pick a Heal Rifle and be the healer.

New Weapon: Plinger

POWPOWPOWPOWPOWPLING! The legendary Plinger is back for more! The Plinger is a pretty standard semi-automatic rifle, but can't be reloaded until your clip is empty.


It has a very fast reload speed to reduce your exposure, so it's a shift from how to handle reloading compared to other weapons. No stat changes have been made from the old version, this weapon is incredibly kino after all.

New Weapon: Musket

Elon Musk..? No! The Musket! Making this weapon was a big hurdle, because of the effort needed to be put into it's long reload animation. I'm no animator but I think I did pretty good with what.. little animating talent I have.


The Musket is a high damage, 1 shot weapon with a very long reload time. It has a bayonet attached to the end of it, and you can stab with it using Alt-Fire (which also interrupts reloading). The collision detection for the bayonet stab has changed quite a bit, it should be a lot easier to stab enemies now (and to get stabbed!). The Musket is long, so it's bayonet is technically the melee weapon with the longest range in the game. Bayonet stabs are in fact melee attacks, so it can still be parried by the sword, and melee-based Vices are applied to it's stats.

The Musket actually firing has also seen some changes. The Musketball has much heavier gravity now, but I have also reduced the random spread, so the shot should be much less luck-based. Additionally, you can now headshot with the Musket, but it's damage fall off has been heavily increased.


Base damage starts at 200 like before, but it drops off a whopping5 damage every frameas soon as it spawns, so instant kills with the musket will depend on distance, whether it was a headshot or not and the current state of your target's health. Making sure your 1 musket shot kills seems chaotic, but most RNG has been removed from the weapon, so I think it's something that can be managed.

New Weapon: Handcannon

Hide the weed! It's the deadly Handcannon! The Handcannon is a large pistol that fires slow and heavy bullets that do a lot of damage. When you fire the Handcannon, your cursor's aim is 'kickbacked' to mess up your aim when shooting consecutively.


It has kept it's stats the same, but I have redone the aim kickback mechanic to remain consistent with different monitors/resolutions/settings/etc. If you feel like the kickback is worse or better with certain settings or devices, let me know.

For now, the Handcannon will not be dual-wieldable, as I believe the weapon is strong enough as it is. If I feel like it's weak enough to tolerate a buff, then I could enable dual-wielding on it at a later time. If you want to try dual-wielding it now, enable the 'Extra' dual-wielding mutator and let me know your thoughts.

New Weapon: Light AR (Light Assault Rifle)

I'm feeling light-er then AR because the Light AR is coming home! The Light AR is a rapid fire, high burst damage weapon with a very short magazine.


The reload time is a little faster then most weapons, but reloading and hunting for ammo boxes so much will often leave you vulnerable. The Light AR has pretty much kept all of its stats, I think it's great how it is right now, but only testing will reveal it's true power level.

New Weapon: Crossbow

The evil version of the Bow? The Crossbow has returned. The Crossbow fires a single bolt that's coated in poison and it can be slow to reload. Unlike the old version's Crossbow, the new Crossbow has a little more base damage, and can now headshot for triple damage instead of double. It couldn't headshot before and it's like... it would hurt really bad to get shot in the face with a crossbow!


In any case, this has made the Crossbow much more dangerous! I felt like it was on the 'useless' side of the weapon pool in the old version, so this should hopefully at least make it picked more. I decided on going with triple damage on the headshot because I wanted body shot damage to stay on the lower side. Getting a headshot just barely goes over 100 so the damage is as low as it can go to maintain a 100 damage headshot before needing to increase the damage multiplier to something stupid. You also have to manually reload your Crossbow now instead of waiting for a cooldown. Not sure why I did this before. The reload speed is a little slower, It also has less ammo, but it also now weighs less.

New Weapon: Machine Gun

Chkka-chkka-chkka! It's the sweet sounds of the Machine Gun! The Machine Gun is a fully automatic assault weapon with a huge magazine, or box in this case! The Machine Gun isn't very accurate at first, but you can decrease the random spread of the Machine Gun by crouching. The Machine Gun is heavy and can have an effect on your movement speed on it's own, but it's large magazine and moderate DPS makes it reliable to switch to and shoot while in a pinch.


Not much has changed since the old version, but it's certainly bigger and more badass! The bullet belt will also shorten depending on how many rounds you have left as a little detail.

Survival Changes

New Enemy: Doctor

With the addition of the Heal Rifle and the AI being able to use it, I have made a new enemy in Survival that could stir up the difficulty


This jerk is the Doctor, he appears somewhere around wave 40 or something, he heals enemies, especially bosses. 1-2 doctors can spawn per wave, and they should be your focus lest they overheal all the enemies. And don't underestimate the good Doctor when he's cornered, he keeps a Pistol and knows how to use it.

New Mechanic: Sobering Up

You can now 'sober up' from Vices. When you pick up a Vice, a wave countdown starts and when its up you will lose 1 vice of that type. So if you picked up a Lager, a random amount waves must pass before you sober up from it (lose 1 Lager). You can constantly refresh this timer by collecting another vice of that type.

This sounds like a nerf, but it takes a long time to sober up, and good Vices such as Red Wine are immune to sobering up for balancing's sake. It helps optimize your build, as Vice count increases your respawn cost, and you tend to avoid picking up Vices you don't like, therefore losing the ones you have collected. If you want, you can also turn off Sobering Up in the Game Settings menu, without the need of mutators.

Updates to leveling up and the weapon skin system

I've listened to your feedback and made some changes to how weapon skins are unlocked. The biggest change is the new Weapon Skin Workbench feature, where you can combine two weapon skins to make a new one! Woah!! You can get to Workbench by opening the Weapons menu in the main menu and clicking the Workbench button.


Combining weapon skins isn't a totally random reroll everytime, what skin you get can be dependent on the properties of the 2 weapon skins you're merging. For example, merging a Sunset Power SMG with a Candy Power SMG will create a random skin for the Power SMG. Combining a Bumblebee Compact Uzi with a Bumblebee Assault Rifle will get you a Bumblebee skin for a random weapon. See what I'm getting at here? The Workbench will tell you whats gonna roll before you combine the skins, so take your time and compare skins to see what combinations to use to get what you want.

Additionally, you now unlock a weapon skin EVERYTIME you level up! Hooray! The Workbench feature introduces a 'drain' on your weapon skin collection (if you decide to use it), so that means I can start being more generous. The catch is I have adjusted the XP requirements and gain, it will now take longer to level up.

With adding new weapon skins from the community, I'm going to pause that for now until all or most weapons are back in. We have a good, crazy amount of skins now that could probably cause problems if the cause of the problem is 'too many weapon skins'. If I can fix these issues or don't encounter them at all as the rest of the weapons are re-added, then I'll go back to adding new skin types. I have also removed uploading skins to the workshop from the Weapon Skin Creator. See the next part about that.

Weapon Balance

All Weapons

Recently I found some code in the old version that was boosting the base speed of all projectiles, I have applied this to v2.0.0. This would explain why some players have been complaining about projectiles feeling slower, so hopefully this corrects something. A noticeable difference from this is the Boomerang, I didn't realize it didn't have the same range as the old Boomerang but now it does.

  • Increased base projectile speed


It's been pretty unanimous by the community that the Knife just ain't doing it for anybody, so I'm throwing it some big buffs. The Knife takes up an entire weapon slot, so it should be deadly to some regard to make it worth picking. I have increased the base melee and base throwing damage, so up close you still do more damage with a stab.

Additionally, I have granted the Knife to do headshot damage when thrown, and the damage gained from thrown distance has been increased. These buffs should make the Knife a lot more dangerous, and make it worth picking as a weightless secondary weapon.

  • Knives can now get headshots. Ouch!

  • Increased Knife melee damage

  • Increased Knife base throwing damage

  • Increased damage distance gain on thrown Knives

Pump Action

The random spread for the Pump Action has decreased, this is to help increase the potential of the Pump Action's larger damage output which doesn't seem to be meeting the bar for.

  • Tightened spread for the Pump Action


The Sawn-Off's spread was a little too wide and made it not a good pick unless you were dual-wielding, and even then it fell short against top tier weapons. DB and Sawn-Off have about the same spread now.

  • Tightened spread for the Sawn Off


I honestly love the new skateboard, I think it's crazy and a lot of fun. However some players have complained it has been too fast, I don't really want to nerf the speed all that much, but I did make the final max speed calculate similarly to the player's non-skateboard movement speed, so it now listens to stuff such as your loadout weight and the Energy Drink vice. Overall, you will move a little slower depending on what weapons you are carrying.

  • Skateboard speed is now reduced by loadout weight

  • Skateboard speed now scales along with the player’s current max speed

Double Barrel

The reload speed for the Double Barrel was fast because I didn't have a good enough reload animation to make it slow enough! I have improved the animation and thusly was able to set the reload speed to something slower, which should make DB players more vulnerable to counter attack. The random spread has increased, so DB users will need to get in a little closer to their target if they want to get in a good meat shot.

  • Increased reload time for the Double Barrel

  • Loosened spread for the Double Barrel

Grenade Launcher

Yes, the GL is a hot weapon right now, but I don't want to end up gutting it before all the weapons are out. However, the GL's reload speed was short due to the same problem as the Double Barrel where the old reload animation would look too choppy if it got slow enough. I have improved the animation and therefore was able to set the reload speed back to something reasonable. The slower reload speed should help with being bombarded by bouncy grenades too much.

  • Increased reload time for the Grenade Launcher

New Console Commands

I have added 23 new console commands this update. Use the help command in the in-game console to see what each one does.

matchtime, skip, memoryuse, showhitbox, currentwave, revive, reviveall, zombending, listdir, cmdlist, listsfx, globalsound, localsound, spawnbody, explode, explodebig, displayinfo, resetplayer, resetallplayers, resetworld, shootingrange, showdps, setrangetargets

General Changes and New Stuff

  • Premium players can now select their voice pitch as a Premium option, instead of needing to select a specific hat to change it.

  • Added new Video Option: Field of View

  • Added new Server Setting: Force FOV

  • Improved controller support for menus

  • Updated projectile visuals

  • Updated ragdoll physics

  • Added some new art to a couple of existing stock maps

  • Chat flood protection tolerance has increased from 4 lines at once to 6

  • You can now use the Hide Chat key for global/clan chat in the main menu

  • You can now use the mouse wheel to navigate through loadout menus like in

  • You can now get assists by healing. Healing assists do not take priority over regular assists.

  • Your game progress will now only save when transitioning between the game and through menus, so the level up stutter should be less intrusive on gameplay.

  • Console commands that have a color parameter can now accept hex color by starting the value with the character “#” (Ex. rawsay “Hello!” “#ff995c”)

  • You can now paste text in the console window (Ctrl+V)

  • The dedicated server console can now scroll up or down with the mouse wheel or page keys

  • The dedicated server console can now use the up arrow key to recall recent commands

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed projectiles and weapon drops and stuff getting stuck in walls

  • Fixed command ‘unbanlast’ not working correctly.

  • Fixed the scuba mask not drawing correctly when not wearing a hat

  • Fixed not being able to roll cancel when rolling against a wall

  • Fixed getting disconnected from Global/Clan chat when playing in an offline server

  • Fixed offline server not pausing when you open the pause menu

  • Fixed the AI being able to detonate frame-perfect Suicide Vests

  • Fixed the AI throwing heal grenades at enemies

  • Fixed the AI not knowing how to drop down through platforms/moving platforms when needed

  • Fixed Steam Group clan requirements being unable to be seen when you are not admin or don’t have at least 10 members

  • Fixed the ‘kill’ command not needing mutators

  • Fixed saved loadouts using the wrong weapon ID number, which would make them get messed up when new weapons are added. Your saved loadouts will still get messed up one more time in this update, but will no longer do this in future new weapon updates.

  • Fixed the Show Vices button not being available for controllers

  • Fixed the pause menu attempting to quit sometimes when you press Start on the controller

  • Fixed ladder collision not being visible when showcollision is enabled

  • Fixed some map objects not being rotated at the correct angle for player clients

  • Fixed scoreboard profile pictures not retrying if they fail to download

  • Fixed double jump not refreshing when landing on the ground while skating

  • Fixed the camera jerking around when switching between your character and drone with Lock Mouse enabled

  • Fixed Explodebot 5000 not firing at players from far away

  • Fixed Underwater Weapons getting their underwater buff when carried by a drone when they shouldn’t

  • Fixed the Grandmaster boss making players arms disappear

  • Fixed a dedicated server crash that would occur when running for long enough

  • Fixed Force Equipment server setting resetting when “None” is selected

  • Fixed an issue with the killfeed displaying the wrong icon on certain maps

  • Fixed some projectiles not displaying correctly when Rocket Madness is enabled

  • Fixed projectiles being able to pass through thin walls in some cases

  • Fixed a crash associated with the Vampirism mutator

  • Fixed being able to open the bar menu while controlling your drone

  • Fixed client players not being able to damage themselves with explosive barrels

Boring Editor

New Asset: COMMAND Logic

This new object is very powerful, it allows you to run console commands! Some console commands cannot be run by maps, such as kicking/banning and other server admin stuff, but maps do *not* need mutators enabled to run mutator-required commands! This is because servers treat the match as if mutators are enabled when a custom map is being played, so there's no real point in not allowing it. When activated by logic, this object will run the store command once. To run it again, you will need to turn all logic signals attached to it off and then on again.

If you attempt to run a player specific command in the COMMAND object, for anything with a 'PlayerName' or 'TeamID' parameter, you can simply place an asterisk (*) in the command and it will use the player's ID or Team ID that activated the button or lever or whatever. (Example: COMMAND object attached to a button running the command shock "*"would electrocute the player that presses the button) This feature is super buggy, so please let me know any problems you run into.

New Asset: STOPWATCH Logic

This is a new object that enables and disables the shooting range stop watch. When activated by a logic gate, it starts a 10 countdown, then starts the stop watch. The output signal is only activated when the stop watch is active. The stop watch time is finished when the STOPWATCH logic object no longer has any active signals. To cancel a stopwatch run, send it a signal from the RESET logic gate.

New Asset: GAMEMODE Logic

This object outputs an active signal if the server's gamemode matches to what its set to. This could be useful for maps where you want certain logic to be activated or deactivated on certain game modes.

New Asset: Helicopter Spawn

This spawn point determines where the Zombrains helicopter is suppose to land. If there are multiple helicopter spawns, then the helicopter will choose one at random.

New Asset: Zombrains Printer

Similar to the Weapon Printer, this is a special type of Weapon Printer that only appears when Zombrains is running on the server. You can set which weapon you want the printer to have, or set it to be a random weapon on every map change. You cannot change the price of weapons at this time.

Added Ladder Tools

To help optimize your map, you can now make 1 long ladder object instead of using multiple short ladder objects.


Logic now works with tiles

You can now attach logic gates to tiles by holding Spacebar while Logic Mode is activated. This will enable tiles to be clickable while in Logic Mode, letting you connect them to other logic objects. When deactivated, tiles will fade away and fade back in when activated. If the tile is animated, the animation will pause (but does not stay in sync with other players atm)


Map Editor Changes

  • You can now hold down the M and N keys show and hide assets/tiles

  • Buttons and levers now have a "Z.Cost" setting, if the server is set to Zombrains then these objects will have a price on them that needs to be paid to activate, similar to the weapon printers

  • You can now press Ctrl + M or N to quickly toggle showing assets and tiles settings

  • Shark’s depth is now forced to Sea Depth plus 1, can no longer set depth.

  • You can now hold Ctrl + Alt + R to rotate objects more precisely

Map Editor Bug Fixes

  • Fixed teleporters not working correctly when placed on top of one another

  • Fixed some server settings carrying over when testing a map

  • Fixed Weapon Printers using the wrong weapon ID number. Old maps that use the old ID values will still load the correct weapon, but its not a bad idea to update your map anyways.

  • Fixed being able to use mutators while testing a Climb map. Due to this fix, all Climb maps on the Workshop will need their maps beaten by their authors again to regain the "Beatable" tag. Sorry, but it shouldn't happen again.

  • Fixed being able to use the shift key when a map editor tool is selected



Next up

Winter holiday event is live / beta14c is now available

Boring Man v2.0.0 beta17 is now available

Boring Man v2.0.0 beta14 is now available: New weapons, gamemodes, features

The Boring Man v2.0.0 beta will become free to play on November 29th!

It's comin ya'll. November 29th!

Boring Man v2.0.0 beta14 will be available July 19th

Achievements, stats and lore.. oh my!

Boring Man v2.0.0 beta15 is now available: New Weapons, New Maps, Survival changes, and more!

in case you missed it follow my twitter if you want to see more rewrite development i will probably write something more professional soon explaining everything

Boring Man v2.0.0 beta16 is now available