Those Night at Rachel's? MoRe lIkE Shitty Night at Poop's
OmG, tHiS GaMe sUcK, ThIs gAmE Is abOuT the AnImAtRoNiCs go On a fAilure adVenTure to Kill the gUaRd
ThE grapHic is Poorly MaDe, ThE moDelS sUcK. Do yoU KnOw wHo LoVe tHiS game? NoBoDy. Do YoU KnOw wHo hAtE thIs GaMe, Me CuZ nObody Ask
ScReW TNAR and So dOeSs FNaTI LHR, JOLLy is better ThAn TNAR cuz noBody AsK fOr mY OppiNion
This post is a joke, I don't hate TNAR, FNaTI LHR. Also I'm neutral over JOLLY