2 years ago

Boris's and @-Astronaut-'s rant be like (part 2)

Five Nights at Treasure Island Lost Hope Remastered? MoRe lIkE Shitty Night at Poop's

OmG, tHiS GaMe sUcK, ThIs gAmE Is abOuT the ToOnS go On a fAilure adVenTure to Kill the gUaRd

ThE grapHic is Poorly MaDe, ThE moDelS sUcK. Do yoU KnOw wHo LoVe tHiS game? NoBoDy. Do YoU KnOw wHo hAtE thIs GaMe, Me CuZ nObody Ask

ScReW FNaTI LHR and So dOeSs FnAs, JOLLy is better ThAn TNAR cuz noBody AsK fOr mY OppiNion


OmG, tHiS GaMe sUcks, ThIs GaMe is aBouT tHe giRls gO on A fAilure AdvEntuRe tO kill The GuArd

tHiS GaMe bAd CuZ sExUaL aNd I hAtE sExUaL cUz Me MiNoR aNd SeX bAd

ThE grapHic is Poorly MaDe, ThE ArTs sUcK, ThE cReAtoR alsO SucKs. Do yoU KnOw wHo LoVe tHiS game? NoBoDy. Do YoU KnOw wHo hAtE thIs GaMe, Me, Astronaut CuZ nObody Ask

ScReW FNIA TEOD and So dOeSs FNwMT, The Berenstain Bears is better ThAn MoSt oF aLl FNaF Games cuz noBody AsK fOr mY OppiNion

bYe, FuCk slime6 and Sel499, AnD sO dOes EvEryOne iN ThiS siTe, eSpeciaLly BrEaDfAce

This is a joke, i don't hate FNaTI LHR, FNwMT, FNAS or FNIA TEOD. And I like Jolly. I don't hate myself, Breadface, Everyone in this site, especially Slime6

Don't take this too seriously

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All of the flags sprites so far (lang flags sprites for Pizza Tower to be exact)

Guess these countries


Uhh chat, i think my Africa map got completly fucked up

sonic and kirbo!

What will you name this fictional colonial empire?

Big Misser

Uhh, ok (im sincerely sorry for the pings)

Guess these characters

Pixel staff very again

Some update to it cuz ye

Guess the users and the country here they are as