Twisted Circuit

2 years ago

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Hello! Howdy! Howdy do! So let's cut straight to the chase because I suck at introductions:

-Progress has been made on TC2 since the last update post. We've continued to add more quality of life improvements to the main menu, began on the Extras menu, and we've recently began work on the base gameplay in terms functionality and enemy A.I.

-The page for Twisted Circuit 2 will be made public once the enemies A.I's have been competed. This is so I can have some gameplay screenshots ready for the page to have something to show and so I can begin sharing updates on that page instead of here in the TC1 page.

-Still no release dates. I don't exactly do those. The game will release when it's ready.

-Twisted Freddy took the kids again. Bruh moment.

So yeah, that's about it for this update post on TC2. Peace!



Next up

Twisted Circuit 2 has been cancelled

(HEADS-UP: This is going to be a very lengthy post)

Got bored, made a tier list about "boss nights" in FNaF fangames.…

Temporary Hiatus

Yes, TC2 is still alive dw. RADSLA's been busy with stuff and I simply REFUSE to rush him in any capacity. I do apologize for the lack of updates but not much I can do when I myself am playing the waiting game. Hope y'all understand, RADSLA's cooking. :)


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Happy Third Anniversary Twisted Circuit!

To celebrate the occasion I made this neat image and decided to share remakes of the hallway renders that I made for fun a few months back, as well as sharing some alts and extra stuff in the article below. Enjoy!

Collection of various renders I've made over the years. Just thought I'd share them here for y'all to see.

Just recently found out this game officially surpassed 500 followers. Well hey that's pretty dang cool if ya ask me!

Thought it'd be cool to make a poster for Twisted Circuit, so I did just that! I might also do one for TC2, though if I do it wont be posted until after that game releases.

Any who, I don't really have much else to say. So uh... yeah, enjoy the render!