Remove run abbility because it's to unstable for camera movement
Change axis for movement on gamepad control
Fix and cut some NPC text
Added move text event for map objects
Emily now follow to Leo everywhere after second event
Metro blocked before Leo find Emily by event
Add text changes when Emily in Leo Team
Fix some tilesets spaces
Now if player inside bulding blow idle animation be stopped
Change cutscene background
Change music quality for OGG format to uncompress
Swap Pine Forest music to newest version
Next up
Pine Forest and Last Ghost | Conept Art and Final Pallete
Moving to MZ
Pine Forest - Final Level Design :D
Happy New Year everyone! 🥳🥳🥳
We are ready for continue working on the game, and it start right now :D
We still alive))
Let there be VR!
Train Station | Finish gameplay version
Thanks everyone for support BoundShere Team, you are so important for our little team. We really appreciate it!
In new Winter Holidays i will continue work on the game and upload something new ;)
And i worked on my final art style, so take it for check :D
wHAT DO you think about this new theme for Boundshere :)