4 months ago

Brandewine "Brandy" Cawthon

(Remember this gal?)

For those who are not:

So, back in the day, there was a channel called "Bonnie Bunny"(AKA "Purple Guy", or more known as recently, "Goldbox"), making various fan-made FNaF animations. Usually these were just clips for popular 2015 fan songs, like "I'm the Purple Guy!" by DAGames, "Balloons" by MandoPony, or "It's Been So Long..." by The Living Tombstone. I think you may remember some of their animations.

Anyway, even if ya know their stuff, not so many people know that Goldbox actually had a whole FNaF AU, lore of which was shown in those clips. Lore that was.....pretty obscure, edgy, & in some ways even little cringy....but tbh, I unironically like it(maybe one of my fav takes on FNaF lore from that era).

So basically, Brandy(or by her full name, "Brandewine Cawthon". YEAH, her surname is a refference to Scott Cawthon himself) is....well, just some sort of counterpart for MCI Jeremy from current FNaF, as her story not so different—she is the first victim of Purple Guy, who was brutally killed & then possessed Bonnie(cuz for some reason some people thought Bonnie is a girl). Her only difference from canonical Jeremy/Bonnie, besides just being a different gender, is that she was also confirmed to be.....Purple Guy's literal DAUGHTER! Yeah, you got it right! Purple Guy in this AU(who in this AU is called "Vincent Cawthon", where besides Scott Cawthon refference in his surname, his first name is also a refference to "Vincent Bishop" from Rebornica's AU....or maybe Vincent from TRTF, idk) is literally just killed his freakin daughter......for NO DAMN REASON(besides of the fact that, how I understood, Vincent just ALWAYS was an ill sadistic psychopath+when Brandy was very young, her mother—Renata Rennings, who is also Goldbox' AU counterpart of....well, that "mother" from TLT's "It's Been So Long..." song, just broke up with Vince, & took away Brandy from him, so....maybe he just was unable to recognize his daughter, or killed her in order to revenge of Renata for abandoning him)! Besides that, she is also shown to be the only MCI kid in this AU who DON'T actually hate Vincent. In fact, she is still love her "daddy", & geniunly feel bad for him when he got springlocked.

Oh, & also in this AU, Vincent have a twin brother named "Scott Cawthon", who is Goldbox' counterpart for Phone Guy(& yeah, THIS bro now is LITERALLY named after Scott Cawthon, now FULLY, not only last name. Also, him being a Phoney is probably the refference to how IRL Scott was used to voice Phone Guy in original FNaF 1-3), & besides being just Brandy's uncle, he also has his own child—Bartholomew Cawthon(or just "Bart", & nope it's NOT a refference to Bart Simpson), who by himself, besides being Vincent's nephew & Brandy's cousin, is also a counterpart of MCI Fritz/Foxy, meaning he ALSO was killed by Vincent at some point, with his head being literally decapitated, leading him to then possess Foxy(maybe the refference to OG Phone Guy calling Foxy as his favourite mascot in FNaF 2). So yeah, along with murdering his own daughter, Vincent also murdered his own brother's son/his nephew. Also, this AU has its own counterparts for Gabriel/Freddy, Susie/Chica, & Cassidy/Golden Freddy, named Frederick, Olivia, & Alfred, with Frederick being Alfred's older brother(& yeah, their names are literally just more fancier versions of "Freddy"), & Oliv being killed by.....being literally stuffed & trapped inside of FREAKIN STOVE, & then just burnt alive to death(Yeah, Vincent here is REALLY the most gruesome William Afton counterpart I have EVER seen). Along with that, Puppet in this universe is possessed by a boy, unlike the original Charlie Emily/Puppet, & also don't have any mentioned name(well.....at least I think so. Probably I just didn't found it yet).



Next up

Me too!

*insert Shrek meme*

Trypophobia meme / ft. My ocs and @JMANECHOFORGAMEJOLTOFFICIAL ocs 🐇🔪

☆ Meet my new oc named Misty !! ☆ / explains about her in article! 🐰🦋

Dear Roblox players, explain me:


Are you wanna be a pirate? 😂

А ПООООМНИТЕ эту игру? Её ещё Винди31 в своё время снимал

☆Hello bunns >:3☆

was kinda bored and i thought of my ocs ( spring and honeybunns ) do your dares at comments so...ye.. 🐰🔪

+ And this is pinned comment for while

Nya? :3