Hello my friends!
How are you? I hope all is well :)
Today at 3.00 pm a new update of Brawl Arena will be available, finally with the Legends Section.
You will be able to see every character, even the premium Legends: each one of them will have a class, give it a look

In the future, a video dedicated to each character will probably also be added in the Legends section to see how it works and how to use it.
We’ve also changed some character stats, check it here:
[Premium users] Increased the jump’s height of Craigler (15 to 17)
[Premium users] Increased the frames of Akiria’s dodge (24 to 30 frames)
Added the Legends section
Decreased the speed of Dedhalus (6 to 5)
Decreased the distance between Dedhalus and the hands of the down attack (200 to 160)
Increased the distance of Xorium’s lateral attack (300 to 350)
Increased the lateral dodge movement’s speed of Nekro (20 to 27)
Hope you like it, have a good day :D