3 years ago

Brian is done with this Doku-Tai so now I have full creative control mostly, I asked him one thing which led to this being the end of part 1 of Doku-Tai.

There is 5 short stories in this post:


A Price To Pay

The Real Final Fight


The Cycle


Brian was dead, Delilah could feel it.

She was waling through the streets alone, hands in pockets.

She knew it was dangerous, but she could just go back into the void if anything happened.

Suddenly, a vision came to her.

A person with white hair standing in a field of grass, a familiar field.

She immediately began running, through the streets and through the forest outside the city, soon coming to that same field.

No one was there.

Delilah sighs as she turns to walk away, but a familiar voice stops her.

"Hello." The girls said.

"Well, hello Brianna." Delilah turns back. "I thought you were dead."

"Well, you know how Lila is about her stories, brought me back." Brianna says laughing.

"So, what do you want?" Delilah asks.

"Well, Frian wants you to join us, be evil and feel how it feels. He wants to give you a chance, like he did with that other girl." She laughs. "Now she's falling through a void forever."

"D..." Delilah responds. "No, I won't join you." Brianna laughs.

"Then we can get to the good part." She pulls out a katanna, D's katanna. Delilah becomes enraged, going to attack her. Brianna dodges with ease, slicing at Delilah's arm. Delilah immediately turns punching Brianna, but it doesn't affect her. Brianna grabs onto Delilah, putting the katanna to her neck. "Any last words?" Delilah struggles for a second before Brianna is launched away.

Arms made out of void stand out from the ground, visible through the night. Brianna tries to fight them but they pin her to the air. A platform of void comes from below Delilah, bringing her up to level with Brianna.

Brianna looks into Delilah's eyes, hoping to find a hint of regret to use, but they were pitch black, no resentment in sight.

"I could kill you Brianna, right now." The katanna gets knocked into the air and Delilah catches it. "But I'm feeling nice." A void surrounds Brianna, slowly eating at her. "I'm just gonna contain you in the void I have, forever."

"T.. that isn't nice." Brianna says through pain. Delilah laughs.

"I know." Delilah starts to move away, but someone knocks her to the ground. She turns, shocked. It was D.

"Delilah, please don't do this." She calls out to her. In response, she gets surrounded by void. "Th.. this isn't y.. you." Delilah begins to laugh manically.

"Yeah, I know it isn't." She surrounds the field with a dome of void. "But maybe I should give it a try. I feel so powerful." She lets Brianna go. "You know what, I accept your offer." She turns to her. "I'll join you and Frian." Brianna chuckles nervously.

"G.. good." She steps back from her. "Frian will be so happy to have you and this power at his disposal." Delilah begins to laugh, the void still eating at D.

"D.. Delila..." D tries to say, but the void eats away at her neck, stopping her talking. It looks like it's over.

"DELILAH!!" Someone yells out from outside the dome. Delilah stops, her pupils starting to show again. It couldn't be. "WHERE ARE YOU!?!" The void goes away, Delilah's eyes no longer black. Regret washes over her as any powers goes away. Brianna sees the weakness and goes to tae the finishing blow.

"I'm sorry, you're too powerful." But she is stopped by a katanna cutting her head off. The katanna flies back into D's hand. Delilah begins to cry, collapsing from the thought she'd do that. D walks over to her, putting an arm around her.

"Delila..." She starts.

"No amount of sorry is going to make up for that is it..."

"No, not really. Words won't fix it. You need to learn to control it. That power is something that corrupts and takes over, but it can be controlled." She sighs. "I gave up that power a long time ago, replaced it for my fighting abilities." Delilah looks towards her.

"You had this power?" She asks.

"Yes." D responds. "I was scared of what I would do, so I gave it away to a demon in my timeline, now it and the timeline is gone. You gotta learn to control it, then everything will be alright."

"DELILAH!!" He yells, running down the hill. Delilah looks up, knowing who it was. It was Brian. "I did what I had to do." He says when he stops. For a moment, there was peace.

Then, there was clapping from the woods as someone emerged.

"I didn't think this would work." He says. "And I thought I killed you back in that void there Delilah." He smiles manically. "Guess dropping you off that floating island wasn't enough."

A Price To Pay

Brian hovers in the void, the pain overwhelming him. The shadow smiling as she does it to him.

"Look, this is great, but I have a better idea." She says.

"E.. What is it?" Brian asks, knowing what it is already.

"I'll bring you back to life, but you don't have your Jumper abilities anymore. You'll no longer be a Jumper."

"D... Deal..." Brian says.

"Well, good." She snaps her finger and Brian is suddenly in the middle of a street. He looks around and sees a dome made out of the void material. He hears Delilah laughing.

The Real Final Fight

Delilah turned to look at D.

"W.. wha..."

"We'll talk about this later." She said as she drew her Katanna. "We gotta kill him." With that, Delilah stood up and the three of them faced towards Frian.

"For so long, I've had people like you three stand in my way." He laughs, beginning to float. "Now there is no more waiting to finally end that." He begins to form something out of flames. D turns to Delilah.

"I can feel his energy."

"I know, I can too."

"FINALLY I'LL BE RID OF YOU." He says to D. "YOU'LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO THE ONES BEFORE." He says to Delilah. "AND YOU..." He thinks for a moment. "I have nothing for you." He says to Brian.

"Oh come on, they get cool monologues whilst I get no-" Suddenly the earth beneath them rumbles as Frian finishes forming a nuke out of fire. He begins yo laugh like a maniac.

"Goodbye." He says as he let's it fall to the ground. Delilah and Brian turn to look away but soon look up to see the fires in a force field ingulfing Frian. D was holding it together. Fruan eventually falls to the ground, weak.

He gets and and with the little power he has left blasts himself back into the forest. Brian goes to run off after him but Delilah grabs his arm.


"If he gets away, he'll be able to do that again. We gotta finish this." He breaks free and runs for him. Delilah tries to follow but D collapses, weak from holding the bomb in. Delilah runs back and helps her, letting Brian run off.


Brian runs on top of a long log over a waterfall that Frian was trying to escape over. If there was an ending, this was it.

"Frian. This is it. You die here." Brian yelled towards him, determined to kill him. Frian just laughed.

"How did I know this was gonna happen? My weak counterpart was gonna be the one to fight me here." He turns towards him, now moving forwards towards him. "Well, let's do it then." He moves into a run. "Should be easy for you..." He says as he lunges at Brian and flips him on his back "considering I'm at human strength."

Brian tries to fight but Frian grabs him and dangles him over the edge. "N... no."

"Aw, nothing without your powers huh?" He laughs again. "I enjoyed torturing you, every second of it. Such a shame Delilah escaped, she would have made a great thing to use. Oh well. This is where you die Brian. This is it." He laughs again. Suddenly there is a shout from the edge of the forest.

"BRIAN!" Frian looks off for a second and it was over. Brian lodged himself onto the log and threw Frian over his shoulder.

"NO!" Frian grabbed onto Brian's shoe, causing Brian to fall and grab onto the edge. Brian swiftly kicked him off and down to the water below. Brian struggled to get up and nearly fell, but Delilah grabbed his hands and pulled him up.

After some time, D came over too and the three of them looked into the water for Frian, but only found some wet clothes floating along the surface.


The three of them sat a bench in a familiar park.

"So, you're me?" Delilah asked D. She placed her hands over her face and groaned.

"Yes, I am." She got up and walked over to her. "I am you from an alternate dimension. I thought that was obvious though."

"It kinda was, I figured it out." Brian said.

"I'm the only one who didn't know she was another me." Delilah responded looking down. D grabbed her head and pulled it up.

"I am 4 years older then you and have a complete different personality, it would be kinda hard."

"Yeah, but, D. Could that not make it more obvious?" Delilah stood up.

"Well, yeah, I guess." She sits back down. "I let Brian stray too far away, he became evil." She sighed, turning towards Delilah and Brian. "You know those powers I mentioned earlier, the ones I gave away to the demon?" Delilah and Brian nodded. "He's the demon."

"Woah..." Delilah and Brian said at the same time.

"Those powers corrupt and control unless a greater being is there to help..." D got up and grabbed something out of her trench coat pocket. "Delilah, I'm offering you a chance to go back to your original timeline and live a normal life." She opened her hand and held out a little crystal. Delilah took it and looked at it. "You think of a time of a life you want to go back to and crush it." There was silence for a moment.

"Delilah, how did you become a jumper?" Brian asked.

"Um, Lila came in and grabbed the moon and pulled it down just enough where if I said no, she'd let it fall and kill everything."

"So, Lila's a problem.." D said. She grabbed another crystal out of her trench coat. "I'll go back in time and kill her." She turned back to Delilah and Brian. "So this is goodbye then..." Delilah went over and hugged D.

"Thank you..."

"It's nothing." D removed her and looked to Brian. "Don't become evil." Brian laughed.

"I won't." With that, D crushed the crystal. Nothing happened. Soon however, her skin beginning to crack and tear.

"THIS ISN'T MEANT TO HAPPEN!!" She yelled through pain, she started glitching. Soon her eyes were pitch black. Delilah and Brian just stood there mortified. D smilled, but it wasn't even D anymore. "If you wanna kill Lila, send this Delilah." It pointed at Delilah. Her eyes became normal again and she screamed in pain. Eventually, she became nothing but dust.

"What the..." Brian started. Delilah started to crush the crystal. Brian saw this and stopped her. "No, don't."

"You heard it Brian, I gotta kill Lila." She went to crush it again but Brian took the crystal from her. "We gotta kill her..." Brian sat back down.

"We gotta think about this Delilah." He offered her to sit, Delilah did. "What if it wants you to do that?"

"What other choice is there?" Delilah asked back.

"You could go back home..."

"Lila would get me again."

"You could stay here..."

"And let that not get punished."

"My point still stands."

"Look Brian." She grabbed his arms. "I have to do this. She caused all this. It's the only way to stop everything."

"But then everything will be fixed... I'll forget everything, even you."

"No you won't."

"Think about it, if we kill the thing that caused all this, then it never happened. Then no one kills her again, it's a time loop."

"Then I'll kill the person who made Lila. Think about it, she had to be made by a greater power..."

"HOW WILL YOU DO THAT?!?" Brian yelled.

"I DON'T KNOW. But I gotta try..." She looked down. "I've been a pawn in other people's games for too long, I have to at least try to break free..." She looked up to see Brian standing up.

"Alright then..." He looked to her. "I guess this is goodbye then." Delilah stood up and hugged him.

"Goodbye Brian."

"Goodbye Delilah."

And with that, Delilah walked over to where D stood and crushed the crystal knowing where she was going.

Brian stood there alone till a figured emerged from the darkness, one he recognized.

"LILA!" He walked over to her. "Delilah is gonna make it so you never existed." Lila laughed and looked at him with a smirk look.

"No Brian, she fell right into her hands." She laughed like a maniac. "And now I'm free." But with that, her skin began to crack and tear. "WHAT!!" Another figured emerged from the dark, one Brian knew all too well, one he used to call a friend.

"Lila, you were never gonna be free..." She laughed. "Or should I say Delilah."

The Cycle

Delilah appeared in the middle of a wheat field. She choose to go back to Lila's 16th birthday. The same day Lila ruined her life. She looked down at herself to see she was wearing old timey farming clothes. She knew what time period these were from. The 16th century.

She looked around for Lila, swiftly spotting her through the fields. Luckily, Delilah had a wheat cutter in her hand, though it'll be used to cut something else.

She made her way over towards Lila through the wheat. Lila turned over and saw her coming and waved.

"'ey Rose!" She yelled to her. Delilah didn't let this phase and and kept walking over to her. "Why're ya' coming over 'ere?" She made it over to her much to Lila's confusion and grabbed her by the hair. She sliced her neck open, ending Lila's scream.

She dropped her to the floor, wondering what to do. She'd have to run away, there was no way she'd get away with this. She didn't have another crystal either meaning she was stuck here. Suddenly someone yelled out to her saying she was a murderer. She ran off to the forest and hid from the towns people.

Once she knew they were gone, she emerged and went looking for somewhere to go. Suddenly though, a figure appeared in front of her. It was Lily.

"Look who we got here, a girl in another's flesh." She laughed. "Well, not yet anyway." Delilah tried to talk but she couldn't. "All you can say is yes or no cause I got a deal for you. You become that girl and make me jumpers, and that includes setting yourself up to get back here. Of course you'll have to live through all the generations, I'm not giving you time travel abilities till you need to grab Delilah.

"If you say no, I'll leave you here. Since I'm so nice, I'll make it so you never murdered poor Jordyn. She had no clue what was happening." She laughed sadisticly. "So, we got a deal or not?" Delilah thought for a good while. She realized earlier she was played, and she had lost for good. Either option was alright, but saying yes would be more morally wrong. It would be better for her to end it here, but she didn't want to. She wasn't brave enough, and she wanted to see Brian again.

"Yes." Delilah responded. Lily smiled.

"Good." She snapped and Delilah felt herself forming. Her skin, hair, everything was becoming Jordyn's. Once it was done, Lily admired her work. "Your name is now Lila. Every time you're reborn, it'll be that, your memories will fade over time, it'll be easier when it's time to start your work. But for now, this is goodbye." And with that, Delilah was in the wheat field cutting wheat.


Brian was shocked at the sight he was seeing. Lily was standing right in front of him, a faint tint of red in her dark brown eyes.

"You never could have expected this could you?" She said to him as she walked up to him. Brian took a step back as she got closer.

"No, I couldn't have." He responded trying to figure out what to do. He had no where to go cause she could just get him again. "What do you want?"

"Can't I just talk to an old friend before the universe is reset?" She laughed as she moved closer.

"What do you mean?" He turned but Lily appeared behind him.

"I've already got the loop started, it should reset the universe to accommodate to the new changes." The world around them started to glitch. "Every story is different, and I love a good story."

"This is twisted. This isn't right." He looked at the world around him. "NONE OF THIS MAKES SENSE."

"I know, that's why it's so fun to talk to you everytime." She grabbed onto his shoulder and whispered in his ear. "You always have the best reactions."

Brian revolted.

"I'll stop you." He looked around again. "Somehow."

"You won't have any memories of this. It'll end the same every time, even if I have to interfere to get my way."

Brian looked around and saw the land was slowly eating itself away. He saw there was an edge.

"If you have no Brian, you have no story." He started to run to the edge.

"NO!" She ran for him but it was too late, he jumped off the edge. Lily tried to go for him, but left the universe so she wouldn't get stuck in the loop.

"I'll just have to get my story another way."


Lila stalked Delilah as she was walking down the street, waiting for her moment. She knew what she had to do, make her a jumper and slowly lead her to the EDU2, she had fuzzy memories of what had happened before.

She waited till Delilah was near and went around the corner to confront her.

It went simple enough, having her accept was easy when the moon was gonna crash if she didn't. She was gone, and so was EDU1.

She knew what she had done, and she didn't regret it, she was gonna be free soon enough.

She had a terrible feeling that she had just started something bigger though, but she let it slide as she went on to the next part of the plan.

End Of Part 1



Next up

Doubt - Crywank (Covered by LilyValentine)

It was the 5th top song in my Spotify recap so here is the cover.

Found this on my hard drive 👀

(I will now disappear into my goodbye again)

Idiots - Night Of The Living Jives reaction (Animation by @funsubsng )

Animation - https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/879071


A slightly (just slightly) less rough cover of Call Me What You Like by Lovejoy

me when the tiky

10 Reasons To Watch One Piece

My Tier List (With Friend)

FNAF World is S-Tier for me

A really rough Call Me What You Like Cover (Original By Lovejoy)

"It's OK, I Won't Remember Me Either" and "Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy" covers (Both by Crywank)

Original Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy cover from 10 months ago - https://gamejolt.com/p/privately-owned-spiral-galaxy-cover-song-…