Five Nights at Wario's: Circus Freaks

1 year ago

Brief updates for Circus Freaks plans

>Ringmaster Rework is being toned down a bit, it's mostly meant to be a recode with new graphics but we might have gotten a bit too ambitious so we're pulling back on it a bit

>Each week will now be its own independent 'game' now instead of being all in one executable (they won't have interacting save files either)

>Hopefully we can explain what the story for this game is with Ringmaster Rework and the other weeks, since it's already all written up

>Where are you now?



Next up

Hi there!

We made an alternate demo for the build that makes the gameplay faster to appease the wider audiences this game may reach.

It's the 'TURBO EDITION' download.

Have fun! :)

sorry for the lack of updates, we're all just really tired right now

here's Virus Wario

Wario's Circus Freaks Ringmaster Rework camera image first look

feeling better

The here! Week 2, 2 night demo, 4(?) characters, maybe a secret here and there! Play play play! Woooo!

Hey look the game is officially 95% done how cool is that (i've been working on this game day and night recently please help me)

Thank you Red bass for this cool Mindtaker Wario render btw.

good morning freaks