I am now finally leaving Game Jolt forever. I don't know what to say but... This app was a great place to stay for a little while but now I have to touch grass. (I haven't yet)
@UZI-THE-DRONE-SLAYER I know who you are bro.
Don't be rude to my sister
Don't break any of the rules in the communities she has
Don't be weird to my sister or else I'll come back and talk. (Roast) (@KaleNonSense , you're one of my victims)
Don't ask for her phone number or she'll block you
Read her bio please. She won't accept random friend requests. If you don't listen, she'll block you
Btw, thank you @pikawilliam11 for gifting all of those great Backgrounds/avatar frames/stickers to my sister
Thank you @Comet321 for being a great friend with my sister
And if you haven't, go download Blockman Go and search me up :) (if you want to) my name is RandomGamer5_alt. If you're wondering, "why does it have 'alt' at the end?". It's because I can't get back into my main
I'll be coming back on some days. (Only if my sister wants me to be back for a bit)
And if you have me as a friend, talk to me, ask me all of the questions you have before I go. (I'll be online for 30 minutes I think or more)
But for now... I'm out.