My mom's been contacting me, even though I've been ignoring all of them, which should be an obvious sign I don't want fucking contact with her, but a few days ago she sent a message and I decided to respond today. After I sent my message, she responded with a bunch of shit twisting my grandma, papa's, and dad's words ALL around. She said how my dad has abused Jordan (my brother's mom) and left visible marks, even though Jordan literally put bruises on herself to frame my dad, and put him in jail. Also, she must be fucking pulling this out of her ass bc she hasn't EVER had contact with Jordan, at least from what I'm aware of. An then she brought up how Jordan used to spit in my food, which, yes, is true, but that isn't fucking relevant to the conversation we were having, so idk why the fuck she brought that up. And, she also said that my dad abused her when she was pregnant with me (which she had never mentioned before today, so that's already weird), but I knew she's lying bc she's a narcissist bitch that twists words and makes them into lies. Just like how she said my grandma would help her get custody of us even though she was the one who said that she would help my grandma get custody of us. Tbh, she's a good manipulator, so I almost believed her, but she's lied so many damn times that I knew she was lying. Then, she says she loves us, but has literally never once showed it. She's in her fucking 30s, she should know actions speak louder than words. She also tries to buy our love with SOMEONE ELSE'S MONEY. Like- what the actual hell?? I told her, I don't want any sort of contact with her, she keeps fucking texting, calling, and emailing me. I've blocked her so many times, but she always finds a way. Like, omfg, leave me the hell alone-
(Sorry for the vent, I wanted to get that out-)