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i am editing the video :+1:
let's read a book
battle tutorial
i wont make the tutorial like flowey, maybe like ralsei
oh yea i forgot to say but i took a little break from coding
tomorrow i'll go back coding
have the "nyeko but the overworld sprite is accurate to the battle sprite"
this will be fun (also this project might be very delayed because of studies)
impressive, ins't it?
first one - early 2024 second one - mid 2024 third one - now, 2025
that took long enough
these poses take me about an hour to make :sob: the end result is kinda good?
(also i just discovered that its "an hour" and not "a hour")
something that i started yersterday and probably wont finish
the notebook recreated in real life <3
i need to do the inside part, and i'll probably re-do the "my" and the bunny face
new logo yay hopefully not update again (yes ik i made a logo a week ago, but i saw another logo and decided to make something like that)