so I am relatively new to TF2, I've only been playing for a couple of months but I can play with a general knowing of my surroundings. my older brother on the other hand is a TF2 veteran and has been playing for years, he used to main spy but has moved on to other things. well I was playing spy on 2fort and had an incredibly good run, I went to tell my brother thinking he'd be happy for me. instead after I was done he gave simple "meh" and nothing more, I told him that was a bit underwhelming and apparently instead of being happy that I 1. was playing one of his favorite games 2. was playing his previous favorite character and 3. did very well. he was disappointed in me because I used the ambassador instead of the diamondback and we got into an argument because "I was using a garbage weapon" and when I said I can use anything I want he responded with "I'm just trying to make you better" B***H I can play how I want, even if the ambassador is trash I still enjoy using it, although now I've switched to the diamondback out of shame
for those interested in my good run
I was originally playing sniper when the enemy sniper kept getting to me first, so to get payback I went spy to backstab him, what started as a simple revenge turned into a game winning play. I go in through the sewers and see an engineer setting up a dispenser, I sap the dispenser and gun down the engineer with the ambassador. then I go to the sniping bay and backstab the sniper, I then rush to the intel room, sap the sentry set up in there, backstab both engineers that were turtling in there, sap their dispenser for good measure, grab the intel and made my way out, I got killed on the way but a scout was close behind me and took the intel the rest of the way