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(forgot to say this yesterday) decided to remake the FNATI 2 OR Extras,enjoy
Just now realized how much of a mess the trtf rebuilt UI actually is, kinda thinking of it more positively tho due to time
8 models currently added to the disamol model pack, 7 to blender 3.0+ and the atm single one in 2.7.9, obviosly most of them are random models ive shown in posts or are retextures and ports, theres gonna be a big credit txt in the release
Wtf ever happend to one night at springtrap locked within, it went from hyped to deleted within a month, kinda think its also maybe lost in general so send it to me pls if you have it lmo
Springtraps locked within legit has the most sexualized puppet model for a non five nights at anime game
Added it
I decided to share this canned game,had this in the bag for a while but forgot to release it,am tired of fully making games for other ppl,please no fan remakes or fan completions
when you realize the pear is almost 3 years old
One Night at X Mod Released
(mod of bubygamers11 one night at twitter)