2 years ago

Bueno le toca a heat soki xd xd haci que.

La evolucion de heat soki:

ESP: Inicio: A ella lo cree por diversion y y tambien le iba a meter en tnav reimagined pero no va a entrar xd. es una fusion entre heat cat, sol y atsuki muy fumado xd. Pero buen cuando cree a nights at emili bueno decidi hacer un render para el juego.

Desarollo: A virus2022 creo al diseño de heat soki y bueno tambien iva a rediseñarla como lo que hice con emili pero decidi que no.

"Final": al final la rediseñe para darle un nuevo aire y no el diseño original se queda en el juego xd

ING:Beginning: She believes it for fun and she was also going to put him in tnav reimagined but she won't enter xd. It is a fusion between heat cat, sun and very smoked atsuki xd. But good when I create nights at emili well I decided to make a render for the game.

Development: A virus2022 created the design of heat soki and well I was also going to redesign it like what I did with emili but I decided not to.

"Final": in the end I redesigned it to give it a new look and not the original design stays in the game xd.



Next up

I was bored and decided to do this 3 exe's in paint 3D


Maskie Reveal Teaser!


Here are posters of the main stars + 2 new characters for the game, having a total of 10 animatronics (Damn, they are sons of bitches haha)
