1 year ago

bueno tras 3 horas de la noche y un apagon de mi pc finalmentela version definitiva de radsla

well after 3 hours of the night and a blackout on my pc finally the definitive version of radsla

y perdon si la pose neutra se ve muy raro pero se debe a que no posicione bien la camara y no sabia que iluminacion ponerle ya en esos momentos ya me sentia cansado

And I'm sorry if the neutral pose looks very strange but it's because I didn't position the camera well and I didn't know what lighting to put on it, and at that moment I was already feeling tired.



Next up

Ya lo arregle banda

Feliz 14 de febrero

It's been a long time since I drew but I still haven't lost my touch



Rat Race Production Update

Don't ask... you wouldn't understand.

https://tiermaker.com/create/personajes-que-se-pueden-papear-a-a… Hice una tierlist de personajes que se papean a Alastor


Oigan pibes, sere solo yo o.....