This patch was a loooooong time coming. This (probably final) patch gets rid of the most glaring bug in the game, and fix a few graphical issues as well. There’s also now an indicator telling you when your rounds are reloaded, because that caused some confusion. That’s about it in terms of changes, unless something HUGE comes up.
So that brings me to the Afterthoughts.
I’ll be honest, this wasn’t my best work. Honestly it was quite rushed. When I saw there was a 32x32 low resolution jam, I wanted to participate. However, I noticed there was only a day or two left. So, I threw together the game and stuck it in last minute, hence the sloppy graphics and “meh” game play. Despite this game being not as good as I’d like it to be, I’m still quite fond of it. It may not be great, but it taught me a few things about time management (and the importance of joining a Jam on time). Because of this fondness, I’m keeping this game on here. Will it stay forever? Maybe. Does anyone really care? Probably not.
So until my next game ( probably releasing in the scenic year of 20XX), I bid thee adieu.