A few things…
Before I create any more content for this game I have decided to go back and fix my awful spelling and grammer, and hopefully fix those flickering character bugs and errors considering backgrounds which you lot have picked up.
I will also remove the ‘X’ from the dialog box because, as was pointed out many times, after the button is pressed, you cannot get the box back. (ikr troll button)
I’ll make a fresh game file (Copy work over and fix it in peices) which will hopefully avoid some graphical issues.
Thanks for all of the feedback, positive or negative, every bit helps me see what I’ve messed up and what I’ve accidnetally done well at. The next update should be in about 3-4 weeks, for now I have to study for exams >.<
P.S I might also make it easier to find the blaze, Ive only seen one playthrough where anyone actaully gets to meet her.
PPS Thanks for doing playthroughs, helps grow the game populatiry which gives me more feedback which in the end will make the game better!!!