After the “unmaking” of the Witness, its darkness shattered into many little fragments Bungie™ calls “Echoes”. The first one of possibly several touches down on the moon Nessus, a moon of Saturn. This caused a massive explosion of change on Nessus, the Vex showing strange behaviors, and a mysterious entity. Guardians, accompanied by Saint-14 and Osiris, must venture to Nessus to find out what caused this, and put a stop to it.

Fikrul, the Fanatic, original Scorn baron, has been long out of the picture since Forsaken. However, he has now gained possession of an echo himself. Bungie™ hasn’t exactly touched on Revenant yet, but Fikrul has taken control over an awoken watch tower, making into some sort of vampire like keep. From what we (more specifically me) can see, Fikrul has turned a slew of Eliksni/fallen into fallen, rather than scorn this time, so we will become something called a “Slayer Baron”, something of a monster hunter in Eliksni culture. Moving on, Bungie™ devs stated that they want to lean into a dark fantasy/vampire hunting episode (I.E. Castlevania?). It also seeks to put a slight slew of splicer (like Mithrax.) into it.

Heresy was most likely the least touched on episode, since it is the furthest from now, but Bungie™ devs have said that this episode seeks to shake up hive “Pantheon”, what that means could be anyone’s guess to be fair, but they state that a new force is coming surfacing from who knows where, and this is where things get interesting, this in fact leads us back to the DREADNAUGHT. Bungie™ wants to repurpose the Dreadnaught as an “eldritch fortress of secrets”.
Codename: Frontiers, and an end to a community.

No details, no spoilers, not even any data leaks, this is all we have currently for (quite possibly) the next expansion for Destiny 2, and the start of the next saga in the Destiny Universe, what this means for things like the rumored “Payback”, Marathon, or other things Bungie™, this is all we have for next year,
Unfortunately, I can not say I will be there to support this community. My computer is running out of storage, and I can’t sulk on this game forever and I must find a future for myself soon.
But that’s a situation for another day, for now…
…See you starside!

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