5 years ago

By order of Beter Griffin, degree rule 100 in meme rulez, contracted of E and Mountain Dew and gru memes. You must include le in all sentences from now, if not found then you must face charles plane crashing or a trump wall.

Sinmemely dank, your new law

Please Read a long long T&C written by yours truly, MemeLordMan :

This was all written freshly today, You have already signed the contract of M.E.M.E when you posted a meme or ever said le or e in a sentence. Here is a reminder of the holy M.E.M.E abbreviation :




Exterminate cringe

You are, hereby legally binded extravigantly pogged to now include le in all sentences. If charged false leading to this rulez, you will be legally transported to the toppat clan base and sent off to space with oxygen. This is nor hypothetical nor fantasy but reallity of hereby rules of new order. Some words have been spelt with a ze, or made complicated on purpose for no reazon. A set of 100 Meme rule(z) will be made this month to highlight the degree of meme quality produced this disastrous unpresidented shambles year of unspeakable year. this is meant to be posh with z's frankly, Memer Hammingdosh BaconSandwich, MHB.

The new zet of rulez will be array of rules will be written when can.



Next up

Bored lately, so take this pixel art spring Bonnie image / GIF.

Who doesnt like a good breakfast?

For @Molty_Toasty69

Never Gonna Give you up, You got rick rolled by ricktron from rickbears.

Little something......quite a fiery feeling may I say though? Or a bit purple.

So I had a chat on discord and uhh.....they both do the same basically.

Animatronic version of the black bird of fazbear frights #6 cover? Originally I didnt even know what it was gonna be so a tophat man said the idea - @ThisIsJustNormal . Enjoy anyways.

Vanny + Mod = *image*

Random cartoon fredman.

"Beyond Cliffs of beauty"

Tool used : https://www.pixilart.com/draw?ref=home-page

Created by : Me

So....Goldie the magician (One of my OCs) is this? Why are my OCs always like by a chica and then likes toy bonnie and then gets killed by a character beginning with F. ALso a bear is not a tigon dammit.