Sonic Advance (Android) - International
5 years ago

By the way, if you can help me translate the game to other languages (other than english & french), don't hesitate to contact me and I'll give you texts and images. Then, it's up to you to write a translated text & give those translations back to me.



Next up

Well, I went to the SAGE Discord server and talked about the thumbnail issue.

The problem is now solved !


I added an extra member in the Special Thanks section of the Credits menu after I fixed a graphical issue in the Chinese version noticed by @Ninesogabox .

By the way, the SAGE 2024 will start on September 6th. I hope my mods will be approved!

Hello again!

​A big shoutout to 任索嘉盒Ninesogabox again who explained to me how to change the "app_name" in the strings values.

This patch makes the specialised Chinese version pointless. As the result, there is only one APK file of the International mod.


For those who are unaware, the International mod has been released yesterday!

And a big shoutout to and who contacted me for reporting issues in the Chinese version of the game.


I'm joining the SEGA community, as I will upload another SEGA game mod soon. It's gonna be a surprise!

For now, I'm announcing Sonic Advance International on the SEGA community.

Hello !

I just took a break from game development and browsed. I was so surprise to find an article of Sonic Advance on freaking MSN !

The article states how Takashi Iizuka is interested on remastering the Sonic Advance trilogy.…

Hello and Happy Holidays!

Today's the release of the Version 4.0.0 of the Sonic Advance mods on Android!

Sonic Advance International introduces a Multi-Language Feature, Game Website and other modifications from the previous mods versions!


Sonic Advance International is coming on December 21st!

At this time, the URL will be changed from… to….

Also, the APK package name will be changed and won't replace the MOST Mod app when installed.


A brand-new major update of Sonic Advance on Android will be released for the upcoming holidays!

The version 4.0.0 will be named Sonic Advance International, as this update will feature language settings!

You can check the additions on the images.


Remember the Android port of Space Harrier? Well, I managed to get a copy of it!

However, I accidentally hold down a button during an error message, and the touch feedback on my phone was stuck!

I was so scared, but I managed to force reboot.