Hello everybody! It's me again! This is gonna be a short, but important, devlog! So, I'm in need of a phone guy. I've begun working on the scripts and will need someone to play this character. I'm not too picky with requirements, so just go off what I'm about to list and you should be a-okay!
-At least 17-18 or older (Or be able to sound older, you'll be playing an adult after all.
-No gender requirements, the gender of this character will depend on whoever I choose to play the part.
-A decent microphone, don't want the phone guy/gal/person to sound like a toaster oven.
-You must be fine with swearing a little, nothing major.
-You're also doing this for free, obviously, I'm just a random 17 year old after all.
I'm looking forward to working with people! If you would like to apply leave a comment and we'll DM about it! If you know anyone who would like to do this share this post with them! Hope you all have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night!