Exactly what it says on the tin.
This project has been a lot of fun, but, we will not lie, no progress has been made in, like, months. Everyone has lost all passion to continue and, with our head programmer off to college, we would have to start from scratch on a project that quite honestly nobody could care any less about.
It's been fun, but it's time to go.
Thank you for sticking around.
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But what about all the work you put in? Is it just going to waste?
No, look at this.
That absurdly large folder there is the entire Unity project file for SOULs of the Underground Chapter 1. Everything there is playable, namely the entire main battle and some extremely unstable overworld segments.
Have fun.
Want to see what took us two years? It's right there, load it into Unity and hit play.
Want to remaster/use/clown on the sprites? They're somewhere in the asset folder. Credit @calilee and @malk_gamejolt_flavor.
Want to use the engine? If you can figure out Unity, be our guest.
We're sorry we couldn't get this out as a full game, but we figured the least we could do was let everyone see what took us so long. Hope playing it makes your day at least a little bit brighter.
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I want to know about the people who made this game. Where are they going to be now?
Glad you asked.
We'll credit the man responsible for this game happening first. @BobertTheGuy . He doesn't have much social media - Mr Mister#0247 on Discord is the most reliable way to reach him - but he made SotU. He coded it, he troubleshot ideas, he fixed graphics - this game is his creation. And now, he's off to go learn to do this professionally. There's no tangible reward to give him - trust us, we tried to think of something - but just remember. This project is made by Bobert. He is responsible for its execution, and before thanking Wolffe or Meta, you should thank him.
The public owner of this game is @jeffy_playz, although he's going to want to be known as Wolffe. He was in Bobert's shoes for the longest time, being responsible for coding the game from the ground up, and to this day has easily contributed the second most for the longest amount of time. He's grown a ways away from this project recently - working on his own things - but we'd still want noone else leading us and making decisions. Thank you for your service, Wolffe. Here's his YouTube and Scratch.
In terms of art, you're looking for @calilee . She wasn't on the team for long, but she made our Chara sprite and created a ton of the ideas that persisted until the very end of this game's development. We owe a lot to her. Here's her Discord.
(Also @malk_gamejolt_flavor did some assets he was also here)
The music was a team effort, but the only dedicated devs in that regard were @Shaddit and @FireForged_YT
. Shaddit did all the composition - the bulk of the heavy lifting for everything. He's still writing music, and although it's not ready for the public at the time of writing, he's working on his own original game right now! Get more of his work at his Soundcloud and Youtube. And FireForged did the mixing for SotU - he took what Shaddit made and remastered it to be on steroids. He's also making a game, although that's a ways off. His music is here. YouTube here. Have fun.
Oh yeah. And thanks for @SkyeBlu for letting us use some of her scrapped sprites. You probably know of her already. No introduction needed.
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This account used to belong to materialisticpop567/CDracolich, the former owner of SotU. What happened to him?

Website in question is his Itch. You can also look at his music if you want. Contact is CDracolich#0618 on Discord.
The game's page isn't up yet. Check back later.
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Well... is that everything?
We'd give a melancholy speech about this game, but everyone does that. Let's just make it quick and painless.
The gamepage will remain up and the community... eh. Nobody cares about the community. We'll just leave it be.
If you have any questions, comment. Otherwise, have a good day.
Stay safe.
~Sotu Team