v1.0.0 Patch Notes!
- Game rebuilt for the last time!
- Game underwent through a lot of optimization and performance improvements!
- Java is no longer required! The game has it for you!
- You must have a Gamejolt account to login with your username and game token which can be found in your profile!
- Created a launcher that can authenticate users, check for available updates, and contains every version that exists!
- New and improved menu design!
- All saves and achievements are saved through Gamejolt now!
- New options are added including No Jumpscares (can introduce bugs for obvious reasons), Restart on Jumpscare, Infinite Night, and more!
- Rat and Cat doesn't have AI anymore. Customized AI ruins the balance of the modes.
- Cat has a completely new mechanic!
- More features are to be added, stay tuned and enjoy the game!