Hi everyone
A new build has been uploaded today, so if you're interested in checking out Cascade Cafe, give it a download and let me know what you what you think.
In development news:
New Ability
A new ability has been added to the game called "Rolling Rock".

This replaces Kubos second ability "Coldsnap", which is being moved to another character. Ideally each character will focus on distinct playstyles, and Kubo is the first to have all their skills finalized to reflect that.
Character Artwork Updates
While it's still very early on, work has started on the single player story mode. This will contain a story where the characters hang out and play Cascade, so hopefully I'll have something early to show off soon. One cool part is that some of the artwork is getting a second pass to give it some extra polish:

I can't wait to get the story mode working to show off the new artwork :)
250+ Followers!
Also a big hello and thanks to all the new followers! We're over 250 at the time of this post, so it's exciting to see Cascade Cafe getting a bit of attention. It takes a lot of time to make a game, especially when you can only work on it part time like I can, so a big thanks to everyone!
That's all for now, see you all next week :)