Kick: Alright Guys, I Know It's The Weekend and Everyone Can Settle Everything Because It Was Summer For A Long Time! Gale Cumulus and Manray, Eyes Up Front!
Gale Cumulus: Um, Excuse Me, We're Having A Moment!
Manray: Hey, I Never Like School!
Kick: Tenderheart Bear, Shouldn't
We Have To Bring Pets On Someone's Desk!
Tenderheart Bear: Don't Worry Uglydog, Everything Will Be Taking Of Something For A Whole Time!
Uglydog: I Know!
Kick: Alright! Teddy Ruxpin!
Teddy Ruxpin: (Glares At Everyone)
Kick: Woah! That Some Glaring Stuff Right There!
Teddy Ruxpin: Phew!
Kick: Thank You!
Teddy Ruxpin: No Problem!
Kick: Dan Backslide, Are You Paying Attention? Can't Ever Tell!
Dan Backslide: Huh?
Kick: Alright, Yusi, Do You Got Something There?
Yusi: No Worries, I Got It!
Kick: Lovely! Juga and Shumadan, No Board Games During Work!
Juga: This Isn't A Game Kick Buttowski!
Shumadan: It's Real Life My Darling!
Kick: Whatever! Twilight Sparkle, Are You Okay Back There?
Twilight Sparkle: Well Somebody Hurt Me In A Parking Lot!
Kick: Do You Need Medical Attention Then?
Twilight Sparkle: I'll Be Fine!
Kick: Okay Then! Lucas The Spider, Don't Prank Something!
Lucas The Spider: Jeez Whizz!
Kick: Cassie, Don't Do That!
Cassie: I Wasn't Doing Nothing Kick Buttowski, I Was Drawing A Picture Of Annieandro Pinkpaws! Cute!
Scooter: (Playing His Game)
Kick: Aw Biscuits, Scooter?
Scooter: (Still Playing His Game)
Kick: Scooter! For The Love'em! Would You Please Wake Mr.Chips Up? He Fell Asleep Again!
Mr.Chips: (Sleeping, Snoring and Dozing)
Scooter: Mr.Chips, Wake Up!
Cassie: Hey Mr.Chips, It's Free Owl Day!
Mr.Chips: Wait Cassie and Scooter! What Did I Miss?! Is It Lunchtime Yet? I'm Starving!
Kick: Mr.Chips, If You Want To Sleep In Class Or A Meeting, Please Just Try Not Snore So Loudly!
Mr.Chips: I Know, and I Don't Think That's A Good Idea Guys!