*more enemies appeared in numbers*
-Enemy Leader and assistant- Bruana and Spun.
Spun: There he is, the Sorcerer of Formations.
Bruana: Seems like the boss was right, the legends of this are true. 250 years alive...
Dark: Damnit! I'm out of bullets!
*enemies incoming*
Xylore: Use this!
*throw an ancient staff, it's activated. Enhancing his abilities*
Dark: I know what it tells me now.
*dark spins a new staff, and reluctantly swing it around to the enemies in random elementals*
Dark: Wow! There's no way.
*he continues attacking enemies without breaking a sweat*
Xylore: It's my turn. Angela, let's go.
Angela: You're right.
*angela leaps in, and slma on the ground beneath the feet of the enemies, left vulnerable to them, then she left a giant swing on them*
Xylore: Excellent wor-
*Spun leaps in and gave a surprise attack on me with his twin daggers. And Bruana fires an Dark Nocturn arrow at me, but I left a scratch. It's me and Spunjo fighting*
???: Perhaps... It'll b interesting.
*the figure snaps it's finger, send a thunder at me, stunned*
Dark & Angela: Oh no!
Bruana: Let's go, now! Don't let them catch up to him!
*spunjo carries xylore on his shoulder, and run as fast to the dark portal, the troops retreat in the portal with Bruana*
Angela: Don't let them get to the portal!
Dark: Right!
*dark jumps and send 10 icicles at enemies, and Angela sends a Light shockwave for clearing*
Spunjo: Ta-Ta~
*spunjo left in the portal while carrying me, after I left my Traverse sword on the ground*
Dark: What's this?
*Dark picks up the mysterious sword, the sign says "Undead"*
Angela: Let's get back to base and let Millie and Serika analysis this new being sword.
Dark: Alright.
*they both head back to the base*
-to be continued-
Spunjo: Your highness, I brought the being.
*spunjo throws me infront of the figure*
???: Well, well, well... If it isn't the Sorcerer of Formations.
Xylore: Takwa...
-Shadow of the Resurrections- Takwa
@Darkvolt @colorfes-miku