16 days ago

Ch.1: Formal Futuristics

Ep.7 : An Enigmatic Darkness of Cryptic

(@takwa764 , @Juliet2025 , @Moonlight_Hybrid , @candyapplelover , @ForeclosureTaskForce-Episode , @colorfes-miku , @GachaVlad , @Ace_alt , @Spunjo , @itz_just_bruana_here , @Zuzy_Zebra754 , @AbbieEmerson5638 , @Gachaerika , @PlushAleenathefox )

Spunjo: Now, where are those brats..? Huh?

*spunjo spot a base, and he heads there slowly*

Millie: Looks like that sword is out of hand. It was the traverse Sword. A special sword based for a user with the 6 souls.

Serika: That sword power has a lot of energy, so it'll take a while before it has a chances of explode or other.

*the two of them analyze the Traverse Sword*
Gold: What do we do? There's dark enemies out there. If we don't stop Takwa, then the world is already gone.

Abbie: Hold it, wolf. Looks like something is on the distance.
Angela: Huh?
*angela takes a look*
Angela: it's Spunjo, but why alone?

Aleena: Maybe he's send alone to obliterate us?

Penny: Not for long! *penny rushes forward and attack Spunjo*

Juliet: Wait, Penny- Oh, goddamnit! *Juliet begins to rush and help her, based on Spunjo's level*
Spunjo: Oh, this WILL be interesting.

*spunjo quickly blocked the attack, and quickly attack them swiftly*

*penny and Juliet blocked, and they attack in sync*
Serika: Nevermind. Millie, I'm going in. *she's ready with her energized gun of flames)
Millie: You sure? I wasn't complete the sword!
Serika: I can handle. *she joins the attack along with Penny and Juliet

Juliet: Penny, look out!
Penny: !
*someone used the light arrow and shoot at Spunjo, as he odged*
Spunjo: What's this!?

*Erika, Vlad and Jhenie appeared*
Jhenie: There it is, the darkness assistant.
Vlad: Erika, Jhenie, help them out while I distract him!
Erika & Jhnie: Right!
*Vlad land a powerful airborne attack on Spunjo*
Spunjo: Hah... You think it's over?!

Takwa: Now, let the experiment begin.

*spunjo feels an unexpected power inside his soul, now he has Dark wings, and a red iris glowing, now he flies on airborne, shoots out void beams on each of them*
Gold: Incoming!

*they all dodged, and start to attack him at airborne*
Juliet: I'll try to get him.
Serika: Alright, don't leave us now!
*Juliet uses her dark tentacles, trying to grab Spunjo, and she grabbed his wing, along the other tentacles*
Juliet: Alright, now! Don't worry about me!
Millie: Alright, the sword is done. Use it wisely for the souls.
Dark: Let's see how this sword works... Sorry Xylore.
*dark land a vertical slash, a power of Zenvorn's Blade glowing Blood in the blade*
Spunjo: Hah... You'll never get to the queen...
*spunjo has died, dropped out the Void daggers, as he faded away*
Gold: Alright, that's one down. Dark, what was that?
Dark: *sees the blade in 6 souls, as for that, all of the 6 souls are out*
*everyone was shocked, seeing the new figures in custom things*
-To be Continued-
Takwa: Heh... Never expected to see. hat experiment is a fail...

Bruana: That furry idiot...

Takwa: Now, now. Let us have our own time with the Sorcerer of Formations here... Once it's done, i'll finish off his power.



Next up

A thousands of timelines later. A human is having enough of this. Dust and dust are all over... Finally become an unreasonable murderer of Blood.

THIS IS IT!!! 97% !!!

SSR : Determination of Control - Xylore Atahori

Spec Weapon: Real Knife with Rope (In any physical damage, he can't stop attacking until enemy is dead. It also have 0.00000001% of Disorder Direct Hit)

This week's Fan Art Friday celebrates Undertale! Accept the quest in your quest log to get started.

New BG and OC!!

woke up from a nap and immediately made this for no reason




Yes Ellen, just incase for the Slaughter to be.