Scarlet Spider (Marvel Comics)
Ben Reilly is a genetic clone of Peter Parker. He set out to find his own identity. He has been killed and resurrected so many times that Death had to intervene to keep his soul from corrupting

One of Scarlet Spider's 3rd Level Supers calls in other Spider-Men to pummel his opponent.
Jago (Killer Instinct)
Jago is the protagonist of the Killer Instinct games and is the younger half-brother to Orchid.

Albert Wesker (Resident Evil)
Dr. Albert Wesker is a accomplished virologist that worked for Umbrella, shaping their t-Virus Project. He also served as the captain of S.T.A.R.S. (while acting as a spy).

Hibiki Takane (The Last Blade)
Hibiki is the daughter of a famous swordsmith who became ill and bedridden after forging a sword for a silver haired man with an evil aura. At her father's request, she sets out to find this silver haired man and pursue the sword her father forged.

Kula Diamond (The King of Fighters)
Kula was a little girl kidnapped by NESTS for their Anti-K program, a program that can alter human DNA to give them the ability to control ice. This procedure gave her the unfortunate side effect of having a mental state of that of a child.

Dante (Devil May Cry)
Dante is the son of the Legendary Dark Knight, Sparda. He is a private investigator, paranormal vigilante, and demon hunter who fights and kills evil demons and other foul creatures, especially those who killed his mother and corrupted his brother.

Dante has two 3rd Level Supers. The top one features an assist from Vergil while the bottom one features an assist from Nero.

Extra Stages
Here come some more extra stages. I also decided to add the logo for what game the stage comes from onto the stage image. (Note: These logos won't be in the actual game themselves.)
New Donk City

With Pauline on center stage, battle your foes while Jump Up Superstar plays.
Wario Colosseum

This was originally going to be Wario's stage in Arcade mode, but in the original build of the game before I swapped screen packs, this stage just refused to work. Glad I got it working.
Waluigi Pinball

If Waluigi was in the game, this would 100% be his stage for Arcade mode. The bad purple man may not be battling this time, but we still got his pinball machine.
Mute City

Captain Falcon sadly won't be joining the fight either, but Mute City will be showing up as an extra stage.

The popular Animal Crossing stage from the Super Smash Bros. series makes it way to UMHC! If I recall, the sprites to this stage comes from McCleodGaming's Super Smash Flash 2. If I end up being correct, please check out that game if you haven't, the devs put a lot of time into the game and is a perfect alternative to the official smash games.
Windy Valley

Sonic will be missing the fight this time, but for a stage rep for the Sonic franchise, I decided to go with Windy Valley from Sonic Adventure.
Umbra Clock Tower

This version of the Umbra Clock Tower is based off of the version seen in the Super Smash Bros. series.
The Pac-Man Labyrinth

Pac-Man, another staple in the series, will be missing the fight this go around, but his labyrinth of a maze will show up as an extra stage.
Spiral Mountain

For those who've been with the series since the start, then this stage will be familiar. Spiral Mountain makes its return. Sadly, the bear and bird won't.
Week 3

Surprised? The stage where Boyfriend rap battles Newground's Pico is now a stage in the game. While Boyfriend and Pico are missing, you can get distracted by Girlfriend grooving to the music. By the way, Girlfriend compared to the playable characters is a lot larger than you would think.
Download Information
The game is almost complete. With this being said, this is how downloading the game is going to work: The game will be split up into different sections to download. These sections are:
Characters - Holds all of the character files.
Sound Pt 1 - The first sound folder.
Sound Pt 2 - The other sound folder. BOTH ARE REQUIRED.
Stages - All of the stages are in this folder.
Everything else - Holds the all of the important files, movelist folder, and the .exe file. The first four sections are required to be extracted into this section in order for the game to run properly. And keep the .exe file in the folder it came from.
When the game releases, I'll upload a video to help people properly install / set up the game.
As for the Content Packs, here's what they will contain:
24 Playable Characters (Series Veterans and Newcomers)
A bunch of new stages
More Music
Movelists for the 24 characters
The updated select.def file (Note: This is IMPORTANT for the DLC characters to show up)
We are at the home stretch everyone. Thank you for staying patient and have a wonderful day! - TheWilluigiBigmak
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